"i can tell" eddie walked with me to the park to meet up with beverly and bill. "tell what?" i hung onto my back pack.
"don't play dumb with me hayley" he sighed. i scrunched my brows looking straight "i'm lost?"
he stopped walking and so did i, "hayley you look at him differently," he crossed his arms "you look at richie in a way you don't look at anyone else but stanley is like you looking at everyone else" i cleared my throat and shook my head.
"that's not true, i don't like richie like that" we began to walk again. "i know you hayley, it's just like when you use to look at lucas" i stopped walking when he said that name. "how do you know about him?" i turned to face him.
"beverly told me about him" he looked at me in a concerned way. i shifted uncomfortably and looked down, "why? why would she tell you about him?"
"hayley what happened between you two?" he put his hand on my arm pulling me back from walking. i took my arm away from his grip and continued walking only faster. "nothing happened" i didn't want to turn back to see him.
we were reaching the park and i could see beverly and bill sitting on the swings. "something happened clearly" he walked faster to reach up with me.
i rolled my eyes and made my way to beverly, they heard me coming because they both turned to face me. "hey-"
"why did you tell him?" i wanted answers. "tell who what?" she stood up slowly from the swing. "about lucas" i wanted to yell it out loud to her, but i didn't want bill to really know what was going on.
she stopped what she was doing and glanced over at eddie, she sighed closing her eyes. "why?" her eyes opened and she was looking at me.
"i didn't think it was a big deal" i couldn't believe what she just said. "a big deal?" i was trying not to yell "not a big deal? are you fucking joking?"
"i didn't mean for it come out that way hayley" she groaned and ran her hand through her short hair. "no, no you should of never even mentioned him at all! i told you that i'm confident and you just told him, im surprised you haven't told bill yet!" i threw my hands up in the air to make it more extra than it already was.
"listen, i didn't mean to tell him okay? calm down" i could tell she was getting mad by the way she looked at me.
i scoffed "have fun fucking bill" i roll my eyes and turn walking right back out the park. "asshole!" she yelled behind me, i flicked her off as i walked out.
i sat on the steps eating my ice cream. i don't care if it's freezing i was upset and ice cream fixes everything.
i brought my knees up to my face and licked my ice cream, my bag was resting next to me as i stared at nothing.
i can't believe she had the balls to even mention his name. lucas was an ex, it affected me a lot to even mention him because we dated all high school until senior year, he didn't switch schools, he didn't move he didn't do anything.
but he met a new girl, maxine or like they all call her max. so he dumped me at the starting of summer and i went into summer single and started school single. it really hurt, i barely left my room during the summer.
"surprised to see you here" i turned my head to see richie at the top of the stairs with comics in his hands. i turned my head back around and frowned. "are you okay?" i heard him walking down the steps.
i nodded and licked my now dripping ice cream. "are you sure?" i felt him sit next to me. i nodded once again and groaned as my ice cream kept dripping. i got annoyed and just tossed it over the wall.
"another one bites the dust" he said after i threw it, i laughed a bit and looked at him. "now tell me what's wrong?" he put his comics down and his arms on his knees.
"it's nothing" i shrug, he rolls his eyes. "just tell me" he laughed. "i don't want to talk about it" i look down and mess with my shoe laces.
"okay...how about now?" i rolled my eyes and sighed. "it's about beverly and something she said" i turn my head to look at him. he nodded "what did she say?"
i coughed a bit and pulled my jacket down a bit, "something about my ex" saying that makes no sense without knowing the back story.
"ex? you had an ex" i nodded slowly. "i didn't know that" he sighed stretching his legs out.
"so let me get this clear like lucas, lucas dating max?" his brows lowered as he tried to put everything together. "yep" i popped the p.
"you guys dated for 3 years?" i nodded once again pressing my lips into a straight line. "i never knew that. lucas and i are close as hell!" he seemed more upset about lucas not telling him about us.
"yea.." i stood up picking up my bag. richie grabbed his comics and stood up after me. "well just know he's completely stupid for leaving you, i mean you're perfect" i'm not going to lie i felt my heart skip like ten beats and my cheeks heat up violently.
i tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and smiled looking down "thank you richie" i looked up at him.
he smiled and nodded "of course ma'dam" i rolled my eyes and smiled. i began to walk down the steps, "hey," i turned around to face richie "there's a new arcade downtown if you want to come?" he scratched the back of his neck.
"i have a boyfriend richie" i raised my brow. "it'll be just two friends hanging out" he put his hand in his back pocket.
i pursed my lips, "okay, just two friends hanging out" a huge smile grew upon his lips and he ran down the steps. "i'll pull my car up" he nodded and ran towards the parking lot.
i laughed and shook my head.

daddy issues|| richie tozier
Fanfictionits richie tozier lowercase letters intended. mature content! all characters aged up. all credits to IT i guess.