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Them as random quotes from people/ mostly people from bands

Richie: if you truly, truly want the rainbow, you've just got to put up with the fucking rain. That's really it- Brendon Urie

Bill: somebody told me that they liked my outfit,so I haven't changed my outfit in 2 years. -Josh Dun

as I was jogging, my phone fell out of my fannypack and I accidentally kicked it against a wall. -tyler joseph

Stan: the beginning of purpose is found by creating something only you understand- Tyler Joseph

Mike: you know what?
Some days you just need to hear it. At least you're not a worm. Have a great day- Tyler Joseph

Ben: being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect, it means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.           -Gerard Way

Bev: a fish can be a turtle if he fucking wants to be, don't spoil his dreams.- Brendon Urie.

my quote that relates to me:

****SPECIAL PART****my quote that relates to me:

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