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More favorite songs..

Richie: Let's Kill Tonight (p!atd)

2nd: But it's better if you do(p!atd)

Bill: Irresistible (fob)
2nd: Lying is The Most Fun (p!atd)

Eddie: This Ain't a scene, it's a arms race (fob)
2nd: Build god, then we'll talk

(the music video......idek what they where thinking)

Stan: Dance, Dance (fob)
2nd: Lying is the most fun (p!atd)

Mike: Champion (fob)
2nd: But it's better if you do (p!atd)

Ben: Every Snowflake's different (mcr)
2nd: DESTROYA (mcr)

Bev: House of Wolves (mcr)
2nd: Lying is the most fun

Losers Club Preferences(2017)DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now