Them As Things My Sister Has Said/Done-chap.13

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Let's just sister is weird, not to mention, only 7 years old.

Richie: somehow managed to get cake batter into her nose

Bill: 'shit' "DONT SAY THAT" 'shit shit shit shit....'

Eddie: 'wut'

Stan: pulled my hair
"I told Mom"
'i don't care'

Mike: she chases the cat around all day

Sis: *watching movie*
Me:*looks at her*
Sis: *is sitting normally*
Me:*turns around for 2 seconds*
Me:*turns to face sis*
Sis:*somehow is upside-down*

Bev: she hit me really hard then I poked her (POKED) and she started screaming crying

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