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"For the last time, Bam, I have no idea who it was!" Alyssa groaned as BamBam continued to pester her.

"Well then do you at least remember how he looked?"

"He had blonde hair, plump lips and he..."

"He what?"

"I don't want to sound racist."

"Just say it."

"He looked Asian."

"There are thousands of Asians around here, Alyssa. Specify!"

"He...He was hot?"

BamBam groaned as he facepalmed himself.

"I don't know how else to describe him!" She yelled in frustration. "If it helps, he had an Australian accent."

BamBam slowly looked at her again, his eyes widened.


"He had an Australian accent, and he looked around your age."

"What?! Argh, Alyssa! I told you to be careful!"

"I was! This isn't my fault!"

"Isn't your fault? You are way too clumsy! Do you even realise what just happened?"

"Of course! Someone saw my mark."

"Not just someone, Alyssa. Chris Bang saw your mark. Chris Bang!"


"Chris Bang is the person everyone knows and fears. Why? He came here five years ago when he was only fourteen and survived ever since. He's the toughest person here! He's the enemy I told you about, the only other person in my level."

"The one that killed everyone else?"

"Yes, Alyssa. Him."

"He didn't look that threatening though."

"I thought that too then we went to the arena together and he became someone else."

"Wait, so your saying off the battlefield he's actually nice?"

"Was. A couple years ago he used to be nice to everyone but a whole group of people betrayed him on the battlefield and tried to kill him. He managed to kill them all but escaped with a large cut on his thigh. He couldn't walk properly for months and ever since he promised to never be nice to anyone again."

"If he isn't even that bad and actually has a reason to be the grinch you always say he is, why do you hate him so much?"

"Chris has done a lot to me and taken a lot from me. We used to be close friends until he backstabbed me in every way possible."

"Name one."

"He would have killed me during the last arena fight if it wasn't for time running out."

"Name another."

"After that, he told everyone in this building my zodiac."

"Oh..." Alyssa sighed.

"Listen up, I promise I will try to help you in every way possible no matter how hard it will be-"

"Why would it be hard?"

"Chris knows your zodiac-"

"Established already."

"You don't realise just how bad this is, do you? Unless I can help it, you're basically already dead."

Alyssa's eyes widened.

"W-what? B-but...."

She didn't finish her sentence, instead, she began to tear up.

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