Day, 27.

Last month, The sun got too close.

It was something people joked about, 'The End of the world', you never thought it would actually happen.

But it did, and it still was.

The virus, people started calling it 'the flare', took over half the population.

Maybe more.

It turned you into a sort of zombie, you went crazy, hell-bent on killing anyone that was still human.

I lost my family to the virus.

My sister Samantha- she was the first to get infected out of the four of us, my dad had to...'put her out of her misery'.

Then he did the same to himself.

My mom, she went after him.

Me, on the other hand.

I'm still here.

Signed, Charlie Green.


I sigh as I close the already worn journal, stuffing it in my bag.

I don't even know why I'm still doing it.

Documenting everything.

It's not like it's going to change anything.

It's not going to fix this.

But... I guess it helps in a way.

It keeps my mind busy, so I don't focus on the paranoia in the back of my mind.

Standing, I shoulder my bag and start moving.

Sitting behind a sand dune doesn't really provide that much protection.

Not that there is much protection in the desert.


The sun is starting to bother me, even more so than it already did.

Not because it's too bright, which it is, but because it's going down.

Once the sun begins to set, I'm fucked.

The infected come out at night.

And I can't really protect myself with anything in my bag.

Two bottles of water, a couple cans of cold soup, a journal, and a pair of maracas.

The maracas were Sam's.

She got them on our last family trip to Mexico.

It's probably stupid to carry two wooden noise makers, but at least it's something to remember her by.

But back to the whole 'I'm fucked' situation.

The sun is even lower now and the only sign of protection I see right now, is what looks to be an abandoned car.

As I get closer, I frown.

It's a buggy.

I'm basically in a Zombie apocalypse, and all I've managed to find to hide in, is a bright Pink Buggy.

"You've got to be kidding me," I mumbled as I finally get close enough to touch it.

It's in good shape, I give it that.

I try the door handle, and it opens with ease.

And its unlocked.

Ok, maybe I'm a little less fucked.

I toss my bag into the passenger's side, and move to get in the drivers side.

Only to freeze when I hear a terrible screeching noise.

The same screeching noise Sam made before she was killed, the same noise-

I turn my head just in time to the horrible, deformed things that were once people hobbling towards me, before I jump into the car.

I yank the door closed, and practically slam the lock button, my hands shaking.

I recline the chair as the windows are banged on, praying to whatever God is up there for the windows to hold up.

And if they don't hold up.

I pray for my death to be as painful as Sam's was.


Word Count- 545.

After seeing the Death Cure yesterday, and reading the summary for 'The Kill Order' I got inspired to write this.

It might have some spoilers, and I'm definitely going to include some characters from the movie, but not many.

And a piece of advice if you're going to see The death cure.

Don't. It's awful.


Nah, just kidding it, was fucking amazing XD.

But definitely bring some tissues.

When The Sun Scorched The Earth (The Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now