I wake up to the sun in my eyes.

I don't remember falling asleep.

But I guess I did.

I sit the seat up and check around.

Everything looks the same as the might before, minus the many footsteps outside the car.

And the newly cracked window.

It isn't too bad, but its there, and that's a little unsettling.

It could have broken, and they coukd have gotten in, I could have died, I coukd have turnee, I-

I take a breath, putting a hand on my heart and rolling my eyes at it's fast paste.

When I start thinking like that, I panic.

I don't have time to panic.

I run my hands through my hair, dust falling into my eyes, causing them to sting and me to blink rapidly.

Maybe next time instead of a car I can find a working shower.

I haven't used one of those in... two months.

Usually I would feel disgusted, but I can't really complain.

At least I'm not dead, right?

I scoff at my own thoughts.

It'd probably be better if I were dead.

It'd be easier.


After getting my thoughts together and calming myself down to a point, I get out of the car.

Orginally, I wad going to try and start it, but the tank was on E anyway, and where the Hell was I going to find any gas around here?

So, like i've been doing, I set off on foot.

I have no idea where I'm setting off too.

All I know, is that after 'setting off', I end up walking for hours.

The sweat is running down my face, amd my legs are burning.

Could'nt the sun at least back up a bit after it Scorched us? Or at least left some water out here? For fucks sake.

I twist my bag around and grab one of my water bottles, taking a swig before putting it back.

It's a little warm, but it's fresh, and I have to stop myself from chugging the whole thing.

I have no idea if I'll find anymore fresh water anytime soon.

Or anything for that matter.


Taking a break, I sit in the sand, taking out my journal and mechanical pencil.

It's almost out of led, which is the least of my problems, but it still isn't good.

But whatever, like I said, it's not like writing is going to fix anything.


Day 28.

I didn't die, which is good I guess.

I survived a Zombie attack, though, Zombie doesn't really fit too well.

They're more sane, some of them can speak.

Not the ones that attacked, but some.

I'll think of a new name for them later, but for now I'll stick to Infected.

It's not like that's going to change anything either, but it sort of gives me something.

Kind of like stability?

Its hard to explain.

Naming the things that are happening makes everything seem like its not so bad, kind of like it's made up.

It's therapeutic in a way.

Or maybe the sun's just getting to me and I'm going fucking insane, but either way it's helping.

Signed, Charlie Green.


Word Count- 525.

(What Charlie looks like is in the media- Portrayed by Alan Stokes)

This whole story may seem pretty dark in the first couple chapters, and it's supposed to be like that, but it's not gonna get too bad.

I'm going to start including new characters and if you have any plot ideas you think might help, Private Message me or just leave them in the comments.

Feedback is welcomed :)

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