Day 37,

In all honesty, I didn't think I was going last this long.

I'm going to make this short, because I don't know how long I can continue to think straight.

To whoever find this, whoever finds me, just know than I tried.

I tried to fight, and I lost.

If you're going to fight.

Fight until you can't fight anymore.

Like I did.

Signed, Charles James Green.


I don't know why I wrote that.

Or why I used my full name- it's not like they can give me a proper burial out here.

Maybe I'm trying to buy me time?

Who knows.

All I know, is that my head is pounding and I can't move.

My journal falls ton my chest as ny arms go limp.

And I just lay there.

I guess I'm waiting for death.

We always wonder what death feels like. Is there an afterlife? Will I go to Heaven? Hell? Or neither?

Do those places even exist?

I'm going to find out soon enough.

My eyes slowly begin to close, and I'm barely alert enough to hear the screeching in the distance.

This is it.

I'm going to die. I'm going to be with Sam, and my parents.

I'm going to be ok.

The last thing I see is a body looming over me before my vision goes completely dark.


I wake up, to the feeling of being shaken.

Or whatever it is I'm on, being shaken.

My eyes flutter open and I'm immediately met by blurred vision and watering eyes.

I move to lift my arm and wiped my eyes, it to find that I can't move them.

Blinking my tears away to the best of my ability, I look down, frowning in confusion.

I'm strapped down to a table.

Looking around, I seem to just now process the fact that I'm not in the middle of the desert anymore, I'm in some sort of... house?

I honestly have I idea where I am.

But I do know, that I don't want to be bound to this table.

I yank at the restraints, lifting my arms and thrashing my body, attempting to free myself.

I'm not really seeing any improvement, but I don't stop.

There's a sense of panic starting to set in.

Where the Hell am I, who brought me here, what's going on, why aren't I dead?

I'm supposed to be dead.

"Hey! Keep shaking like that and you'll knock the place over!,"

I still at the sound of an unfamiliar male voice.

Whoever he is, he's walking over to me now, his footsteps muffled by whatever flooring there is on the ground.

When he reaches me, he grabs my left arm, causing me to flinch.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2018 ⏰

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