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Leaves drift away
Into crisp autumn nights
Their fabric crumbles,
The musty air bites.

For all you can do
Is observe petals fly
And dream of a future
As dreadful years abscond by.

The trees do not fret
Nor have a worry or doubt
Of what their fate
Will be all about.

You? Care-free?
I can only think not,
But do not insinuate
A feeling of distraught.

Numbers and labels
Are printed upon shoulders,
Interrogations and insults
Pile up like boulders.

Their weight is a burden
And it cripples your back,
For life's canvas
Becomes shades of whites and of blacks.

There is a creature
Pulling out your hair,
Dying it gray, and
Leaving your scalp bare.

It is a sequestered demon,
Yet eager to please
Despite whatever
The pleases may be.

It stitches clothes tighter
Or patches them larger
It forces your lips closed
And makes moving them harder.

Yet, why might you
Befriend such an insult?
A shroud, a bully, and a
Master of assault?

You have no choice,
Forever I fear
The creature inside you
Is drawing ever near.

They pile
Last miles.

What used to be fun
Is now a task at hand
Succumbed by judgement
And a feeling of bland.

Frowned upon,
Walked over
Torn up,
Tipped over.

The gray matter of your brain
Has truly turned gray
It is clouded by accumulating
Misdemeanors that stay.

Blood runs red
As you have learned,
But it can't compare
To the stains the heart burned.

The skies of your mind
Brilliant and once blue,
Are now turned black
With the clouds that are you.

But why do you bother
To care what society may say,
An uncivilized colony
Of bleak and dismay?

Trees and leaves
Do not bite back,
They do not judge
And never have a crippled back.

Though life may be a trilogy
Of grief, rage, and sorrow,
There's no valid reason
To not experience Tomorrow.


I wrote "Tomorrow" amid the darkest part of my struggle with an eating disorder. My distorted body image led to constant depression and low self-esteem, and I was starving myself for weeks at a time, seemingly to no avail. Turning to poetry, something I'd never written before, helped me through the toughest times and led me down the road to recovery, constantly hoping and trying for a better Tomorrow.

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