5-Why dont we text Brooklyn

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Not in the group chat
Jack: are you McDonalds because I'm lovin it

Brooklyn: lmao no but I want some

Jack: are you from Tennessee cuz your the only ten I see

Brooklyn: we're Cubans who live in Florida you know that

Jack: dang way to ruin some good pick up lines

Brooklyn: who said they were good

Jack: ouch those took me some top notch brain power

Brooklyn: that is really sad

Jack: not sadder then not texting you 😉

Brooklyn: um ok I'm gonna go now

Jack: aw what's wrong babe

Brooklyn: babe? Wtf is up with you Jack

Jack: what do you mean don't we always talk like this

Brooklyn: no

Jack: oh then how do we talk

Brooklyn: we don't

Jack: bruh

Brooklyn: I'm going on a limb here and gonna guess your not Jack

Jack: how'd you know?

Brooklyn: bc A would kill us both if jack and I talked like that

Jack: oh I texted the wrong girl whoops

Brooklyn: lol what a fail

Jack: I'm jonah by the way

Brooklyn: your kidding right

Jack: no why would I lie about my name

Brooklyn: why would you lie about being jack

Jack: you have a point

Brooklyn: ofc I do that's why I said it

Jack: ok then. Well I'm being serious my name is Jonah why is that so hard to believe

Brooklyn: maybe bc your two friends are Jack and Daniel

Jack: what does that have to do with anything

B: well unlike your friends you've obviously never heard of why don't we

Jack: say what about who now

Brooklyn: yeah that's how we met Daniel then Jack in the first place
Brooklyn: it's the name of the gc for cry it loud we're all huge fans

Jack: oh yeah the guys talk about it sometimes I've never heard of it tho

Brooklyn: well some of the band members have your names

Jack: that's cool but I can only rap

Brooklyn lol I can too. Are you sure you've never heard of them Daniel some how got us backstage tickets to one of the concert so he must have connections

Jack: yeah well Daniel knows more people in higher places than me so

Brooklyn: oh well how old are you btw

Jack: 19

Brooklyn: same I just turned

Jack: what a coincidence happy related birthday

Brooklyn: tanks

Jack: huh

Brooklyn: *thanks don't you hate autocorrect

Jack: doesn't everyone

Brooklyn: lol true

Jack: anyways i gtg jack is looking for his phone

Brooklyn: ok but before you go can I have your twitter

Jack: sure tomorrow tho he's on yo me

Brooklyn: ok I'll text you later Jonah hey maybe I'll even add you to the gc

Jack: that would be great see ya later beautiful Brooklyn

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