13- Why don't we scare J

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I continue to wander around aimlessly trying to gain the attention of someone to no avail. All I wanted was to go to the bathroom I never thought it would go so wrong.

I look around in desperation and take a moment to process my situation. So I've lost all the people I came with, my phones dead, I'm lost in an arena and no one is giving me the time of day.

Worst of all I still need to pee.

So as I stand there like a five year old who can't find her mommy a partially stupid possibility smart idea pops into my brain.

So I frantically start looking for employees only doors.

Once I find one towards the end of the main downstairs area I head on over to open it. Once I do I find a long white hallway with plenty of unlabeled doors on either side.

Unfortunately though there seems to be no people as far as the eye can see leading me all the way down to the other side of the spectrum from where I previously was. First there were to many people for anyone to help me and now there is no one to ask. Great just great.

I sigh and begin to make my way to the other side of the long hall in the hopes that in the time it takes me to get there some one would come out to lend a hand.

I hear a door open and mentally cheer before feeling a throbbing pain in my head and fall back.

"I just wanted to go to a concert." I groan a complain to the world. Probably confusing whoever it was that knocked me off my feet, not in the sense I thought I would think that sentance for the first time.

"Oh my god, I am so so so sorry. Are you okay?" The strangers fusses, kneeling to meet me on the ground.

"Oh my god." My eyes grow wide and the pain numbs once I register what, or who was infront of me. "You're Zach Herron." I state as if he didn't know that.

"And you need ice, come on." He prevails standing up and pulling me to my feet. He cautiously leads me inside one of the rooms in the hall, keeping one arm behind me ready to catch me if I were to fall again.

He finally sets me down on a chair and hands me an ice pack. "Are you okay." He asks again after not exactly having been given an answer the first time.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine just a small hit." I say trying to shrug of the question and his worry alongside it while pressing the ice harder into the small lump now forming in my forhead.

"Good, but what were you doing out there anyways. I won't like rat you out or anything don't worry, just curious because you're obviously not a employee." Zach rambles making me let out an odd giggle.

"It's fine, I was just trying to find someone who can tell me where to find a bathroom." I say suddenly needing to pee even more than before. Zach obviously noticed as he quickly points to a small room in a corner. I drop the ice pack even quicker let out a thanks and rush the small distance as if my life depended on it.

I sigh in relief once I get out already having felt so much better and grab my ice pack before regaining my seat.

"Wait do you could find anyone at all to help you? Are there no people outside?" Zach asks confused apparently still contemplating how exactly I got where I was.

"Well you're such a popular band it was too full so no one was paying attention when I tried talking to them." I continue to explain cringing slightly at the thought of how hard it was for me to do such a simple task as find a bathroom.

"Well thank you very much but I'm so sorry no one was around who could help." Zach smiled a sad smile to go along and make the most adorable apology.

"Oh no it's fine, it's not like it's tana con or something." We both laugh which turns into a cringe on my behalf as I had just reverted to a tanacon joke. Am I this nervous or just not funny. Both?

"Hey I never got your name." Zach smiles making me realized I never really introduced myself.

"Oh my name's Jasmine." 

"Jasmine." He tests my name. "beautiful name for an equally as beautiful girl." And just like that I can be considered deceased because of Zachary Dean Herron. Which is an honor in its self.

"Th-thank you." I stutter my cheeks growing unnaturally red.   

"No problem." He says unintentionally charming me every second his smile furthers. "So sorry Jasmine but the boys want me back in the stage."  He concludes after looking back at his phone a few times.

"It's alright, maybe I'll see you later?" I somehow get enough courage to ask.

"Hopefully, what tickets did you get?" Zach asks as we both stand from our seats and he hands me my purse.

"Limelight." I realize happily. He also makes the realization which makes his gleaming smile grow even further.

"Great, then I will see you. For now however, want me to drop you off at the door?"  He offers now at the door.

"That'd be amazing." I gush a dumbstruck face guaranteed to be plastered upon my face.

"Quick question, do you know a Daniel and Jack other than your band-mates?" I ask once I remember how I'm here.

"No, not really, why?" Zach looks at me confused as we walk a sectioned off hall.

"My ex-friends actually got me these tickets, they said they had connections."  said putting air quotes around them having connections.

"Oh,"  Zach says slowly now in some type of daze.

" I have to go just keep walking straight, alright? I'll see you." Zach tells me quickly before running off in the other direction.

That was weird, did I say something wrong? I though we were having a nice time. Where was he even going, we're going to the same place.

I continue to walk forwards too confused and consumed in thought to pay much attention before I accidentally body slammed into someone, quickly bringing me back to earth.


Hi :)

I was gonna leave at that bc I already said all I wanted on my wall or whatever but i wanted to thank y'all again for 2K like wtf that's amazing and you guys are the best.

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