10- why don't we talk

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previously on twitter-

Daniel🍉💖: my name is Daniel Seavey and this is the private account that I use to pretend I'm still that normal person from Portland Oregon

Violet🌸💜: you're kidding

Daniel🍉💖: come on why would I lie after all that

Violet🌸💜: same reason you wouldn't tell me until now assuming you're telling the truth of course

Daniel🍉💖: Come Violet think about it wouldn't it explain everything

Violet🌸💜: yeah I guess...

Violet🌸💜: But that's such an unheard of thing I think I'm going to need a little more proof than that

Violet🌸💜: It's not that I don't trust you just that

Daniel🍉💖:It's fine V I get it, I would be suspicious if you said you were Camila Cabello too

Violet🌸💜: About that....

Daniel🍉💖: holy frick for real?!?

Daniel🍉💖: If you are, you know what I'm not even mad

Violet🌸💜: I'm kidding calm down

Daniel🍉💖: Oh yeah I knew that...I was just playing ya know

Violet🌸💜: mhmm sure

Violet🌸💜: Back on point

Daniel🍉💖: right, I can prove it to you if you want

Violet🌸💜: Really how

Daniel🍉💖: Just Skype me, my twitter username is my Skype

Violet🌸💜: I'll call you in like an hour when I'm done getting ready

Daniel🍉💖: I don't care how you look

Violet🌸💜: Aww not everything is about you Dani boy, I'm getting ready bc I want to look good

Violet's POV

I close my phone after concluding the conversation with possibly the boy I have fangirled about for months on end and with a groan decided to finally get out of bed. I had woken up hours before just hadn't found the energy to get up until now. As I prepare for the call several things circle around my thoughts; all surrounding the possibly blue eyed boy.

Why had he kept it a secret for so long?

I suppose he had answered that question earlier in our conversation but it still puzzled me, if he is who he claims why would he feel that way. He's living the dream, everyone knows his name and everyone loves him. Why would anyone want to run from that? Why would anyone get treated in such a terrible way as the one he implied for that?

My thoughts drowned out my actions as my body acted on it's own, before I knew it my time was up and I look ready to go. I take one last look in the mirror putting the last hair in place until I was satisfied and then turned away quickly knowing myself all too well.

I nervously opened my laptop where I was to make the call; fumbling over each key as I entered in my password.

Is this really happening? I continue to mentally question partially scared but mostly nervous.

I send him a quick text informing him I'm about ready to call to which I get a quick "Ok" as a reply

I suck in a deep breath and type his username which I have pulled up on my phone into the add friend section of the app. He quickly accepts and face calls me which sets every cell in my body to shut down. If cells could literally go slower due to pure emotion I think I would've just liquefied.

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