14- Why don't we imagine I'm Sherlock Homes

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Adalyn's POV

How did this even happen?

How is it even possible to originally come with four people and end up alone anyways? Oh right, my friends suck.

The worst part is while they are running off who knows where I'm here I'm a tragically long line with a million screaming, sentimental girls.

I desperately scroll through my phone, trying to find anything so that I could entertain myself. As my friends are obviously not up to the task.

My finger taps on Snapchat in a last ditch attempt to not die of boredom. Once I'm about to randomly snap about what a lovely day I'm having (wow even my thoughts are dripping in sarcasm) I accidentally go into the snap feature. I unsurprisingly find myself and the girls all huddled up in a group that signals we're in the same location, the part that shocked me, however, is that we weren't the only ones.

I press the misplaced bitmoji to find something that would only push myself deeper into shock.

Aiden? Why in hell would my brother be at a Why Don't We concert, he's even said he doesn't like concerts.

I look around the area I was, still bored but now presented with a mystery. I could go for an adventure, I decide while opening the find my friends app. I mentally thank our mother for connecting us all via the app while beginning my hunt.

Ok first things first, maybe he'll just tell me.

"What's up Ada?" Aiden asks the ringing stops and he picks up my call.

"Hey Aid, what you up to?" I ask innocently and perhaps too sweetly.

"Uh just with a few friends...Why?" He asks either distracted or suspicious, maybe both.

"The girls left. Hey, where are you by the way I might go with you guys if this doesn't end too late." I ask as casually as possible.

"The park by our old middle, hey I have to go I'll call you later." He says before abruptly hanging up. There is something seriously wrong, his bitmoji isn't where he says, it is way too loud for him to be at that old park and he was too distracted how weirdly normal I was acting.

Hmm, I'm really not all that interested in being one of the first insides. and this kinda got interesting. Eh screw it I decide let's go find what the hell is my brother doing?

Brother dearest? Where might you be hiding I ask myself as I aimlessly wander halls and scan each person face just enough so don't get the bright idea to talk to me.

Why would he be here? There is literally nothing for him here. He's even admitted to being the one person on this planet to not want to go to a concert much less one for a band we've driven him crazy about.

I hear a familiar "What the frick" through the loud screams of girls rushing at the possibility to catch a glimpse at the boys.

Ummm what?

I fight my way through the crowd to see that it is, in fact, my brother with who else but Jack freaking Avery. Loving all the nature at this park huh Aiden.

He obviously spots me as his eyes go wide as my arms cross. He proceeds to whisper something to Jack who then relays the message to the security guard making sure the group of girls doesn't get too close.

I at this point iconicly lift my brow with a sassy look while he at a hallway he and the curly haired boy are going to sneak off to.

I make my way over there with uncertain kind of judge-y jaunt. The guard per instruction let me making the wailing girls whine even more.

"Adalyn I swear I can explain, "my eldest brother says as I approach the pair

"That's incest you make it sound like I'm your girlfriend or something. Though I am just a little curious as to what the hell is going on? Maybe you can on why instead of being at the park your at a boy-band's concert with one of the freaking members!" I rant as I watch Jack awkwardly shift feet while looking down.

"Okay, I know you're mad and I'll explain everything later but there is something else you should know," Aiden says which leads to Jacks turn to widen his eyes

"For real?" Jack asks turning to my brothers a broad smile growing on his face

"Yeah, let's have it all out there" Aiden decides as he braces himself to speak again before getting prematurely interrupted by Jack.

"Wait! Let her enjoy the concert first. Then she can know everything." Jack suggested, my brother, agreeing.

"What is this some type of cult? Just tell me, if anything Aiden joining a cult would make him cooler." I laugh as he shoots me a kinds-playful-kinda-wanna-punch-you glare.

"Come on trust me we can just start a new for now," Jack reasons making me process for the first time who I was talking to. I've always thought of pop stars as normal people but then again this one is insanely hot and I've been saying it for like a year now.

"Fine, but you both better 'fesse up later," I warn as they both shoot me a smile as we begin to walk onto some hallway hopefully with fewer screams.

"Hey, I never did get your name," Jack says softly as we walk behind Aiden to talk amongst ourselves.

"Probably because I didn't throw it," tell him in what I hope he understands as a joke.

"Well I'm open so at any time you can go ahead and shoot." 

"It's Adalyn, and you Jack need to work on you're sports comebacks." I kid a smirk very normally taking over my features

"Got your name didn't I? That's a score right there." He shrugs laughing

"Ooo not getting any better." I fake wince which wasn't hard as the puns were almost literally hurting me,  but like in a charming way.

"Well, then you better stick around because practice makes perfect." Jack winks making burst out in laughter. Somewhere into my distracted laughing fit, I crash into another body sending us both to the floor while Jack and Aiden take a few more steps ahead of me unscathed. I open my eyes to see the unequally unlucky individual I just happened to crash into was.

WHOA WHOA WHOA (Noah that you boo?) JACK DIDN'T TELL HER !?!? hope yall enjoyed

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