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Marinette woke up to her alarm,she did the usual. Brush her teeth,comb her hair and help out in the bakery before school. On her way out she adjusted her hair to cover her left eye,she got to school and took a deep breath before going in." Remember Today is Friday tomorrow there's no school", she said to herself. She walked in to see her friend Alya already waiting,"Hey girl what's up?". She knew she should be a little more trusting but she couldn't bring herself to talk to anyone at school so everyone thought she was mute. She shrugged her shoulders."Well it's Friday so let go to class before the bell rings.",She just nodded.
Le time skip
Lunch period. Her one chance to get away and be herself was ruined in seconds. She was walking down the hall when someone tripped her,"Watch where your going Maribrat!"she looked up. Chloe was laughing at her but stopped a little too quickly, she quickly realized that her left eye was showing. She tried to cover her eye again but Chloe just pulled her up by the hair, she screamed in pain,"Oh no you don't" She snarled as she slapped her. "Hey everyone look at this little freak." She cackled, everyone turned to face them in shock. Tears were streaming down her face, anger boiled up inside her, but she was helpless ( HELPLESS DOWN FOR THE COUNT AND I'M DROWNING IN EM)."no no no no no no no.". "STOP!" She yelled shocking everyone, she managed to get out of Chloe's grasp and she ran like her life depended on it, she got to her front door and opened the door. "What's wrong honey?"her mother's voice filled with concern,"Don't let anyone up stairs please I don't want to see anyone." She said. Her mom nodded,and she ran upstairs and started crying into her cat pillow. "Marinette are you alright?" Her little bug like kwami asked,"I'm fine thanks Tikki." The poor girl whispered with a sad smile.
Adrien pov
I woke up to Plagg begging for cheese so naturally i gave it to him and got ready for my early morning photo shoot. After the photo shoot I managed to get to school on time as I sat down and looked behind me ,only to see Marinette drawing something, I smiled softly as turned my attention to the teacher.

Le magical time skip
At lunch I met up with Nino to go to a cafe, when all of a sudden I heard someone yell "STOP!". I turned to see marinette being held by the hair,my eyes widen when I see she has two different eye colors. She got out of Chloe's grasp and ran,Chloe shouted after her "Your a monster you hear that Nothing but a Monster!",she noticed I was watching," oh adri-kins do you want to get lunch with me."I snapped "What the heck is WRONG with you!" I screamed. She was shocked,"what do you mean!?"she screeched,"I saw what you did, Chloe, That was not in anyway OK." I spat, I ran into an ally and transformed.
Hey guys sorry if you don't like how anyone has been acting it will all change soon,and i know the part was short i'm so sorry i will make the other one longer like WAY longer.*I fell off a chair*

okay im fine its just gonna bruise

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