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Chloe POV
'Where is she I really need to talk to her', I look around the school. 'Ugh I'm so stupid she never eats lunch at school' I get out the building and retreat to the park 'aha there she is' I see Marinette sitting on a bench. I approach her and stand In front of her " Hi", she looks up " Hi " I sit next to her. "Look I wanted to apologize for pulling your hair and calling you a monster" I sigh , she smiles "It's fine I forgive you" she signed, 'wait I thought she could talk. "If you don't mind me asking, why don't you talk?" Her eyes widened and she looked around to see if anyone was watching then finally spoke "I d-dont l-l-like us-ing m-y v-voice." She studdered, her voice a low whisper and raspy from lack of use. I nodded and smiled reassuringly "Well I gotta go nice talking to you" she nodded. 'O h my god Marinette used her voice' all I could think about was the fact that she forgave me unlike the others.

Marinette's POV
After the 'conversation' with Chloe I felt better my voice isn't the best but she didn't seem to mind. I got back to sketching when I sense somebody approach me. AGAIN. I look up to see Luka, I smile. "H-hi" I said in a low whisper that's the loudest I could go though and he knew that so he didn't mind " hello princess, do you want to get a bite to eat with me before we head back to the school?" I nod. I gather all my things and shove them into my backpack, "let's go" I sign he nods and leads the way.
And that's it for the chapter

We were walking back to school, when adrien walked up to us "Hi Marinette, Luka " I waved/saluted, Luka waved and slung one of his arm around my shoulder. Adrien glared at him but I think think that was just my imagination, " the bells about to ring we should head to class" and with that we walked back to class, Luka kept his arm around my shoulder.

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