Chapter 1

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Jes P.O.V

"WAKE UP JES!!!" my mum yelled at you from downstairs. I ignored her and almost went back to sleep.. and then she yelled "DON'T YOU REMEMBER WHAT'S HAPPENING TODAY?!" I was still in sleep mode so I had to think about it for a while.. I screamed as I remembered today is the day that me and my best friends (Sophia and Emma) were moving to Mullingar!! I got up and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and let the hot water burn my skin. When I got out I put on a pair of black skinny jeans with a cute t-shirt that Emma gave me for my birthday. I walked back into the bathroom and put some eyeliner and foundation on. I slowly walked downstairs and gave my mum a hug and then began to eat the pancakes mum had set on the table. Just as I finished my breakfast, I heard a knock on the door. I ran to it and pulled two VERY tired girls into a hug. In less than an hour, we were saying goodbye to our parents and getting ready to go to the airport.

___6 hours later___

"The plane will be landing in approximately half an hour" the weird plane voice said waking me up. I decided to check my twitter. Once I had logged in, I was happy to see a tweet from "@niallofficial: So glad to be home!! Can't wait to meet my new neighbors!!" you laughed and posted a tweet "@luvniall4eva: Plane just landed. So excited!!" (A/N: i dont have a twitter so i dont know if that is a real username) In what seemed like 2 minutes, you felt the plane starting to land. When we had grabbed our bags we all piled into our new rental car. When we got to the house, we all ran upstairs to get a good room. About an hour later, we were all unpacked and heard a knock on the door. The girls all voted for me to answer it so I walked up to the door and answered it. I couldn't believe my eyes. One Direction were standing on my front doorstep!! 

"Jes?? Who is it?!" the girls said and ended up just running to the door. We all just stared at these 5 beautiful guys standing on our doorstep with our jaws dropped. Louis said "shut your mouths.. you dont wanna catch flies do our you?!" everyone started laughing and then Liam smiled and asked "so.. we heard you were new in the neighbourhood and we were wondering if you girls would like to hang out at our place?" I was screaming and fangirling on the inside but on the outside I just kept cool and said "sure, see you in about an hour??' you said looking at Liam and smiling. "Sounds good, bye" the boys walked away as you shut the door. Once you all saw the boys walk into their house, you started screaming. "Oh my god!! We're going to hang out with One Direction!! Agghh!!" you all hugged each other and walked to your rooms to get ready.

Nialls P.O.V

When the door opened, all I could think about was how beautiful the girl who opened the door was.. her beautiful blonde hair.. her gorgeous brown eyes.. I couldn't wait to see her again tonight. When i heard a knock on the door about an hour later, I ran and answered it. I pulled them all into a huge welcome hug. When we all pulled out of the hug, I saw Jes (as I found out was the pretty girls name) looking straight at me! I smiled and walked to the kitchen to get some food. When I walked out with the popcorn, all the seats were taken except the loveseat (as I call it) that Jes was sitting on by herself. I handed out the bowls of popcorn and walked over to Jes. I asked her if I could sit with her and she nodded. I sat down and listened to everyone fighting over what movie to watch. In the end, they had chosen "The Titanic". Half way through the movie, I looked at Jes and noticed she was silently crying. I put my arm around her and she snuggled her head into my chest. I think she must have stopped crying and fallen asleep because her breathing had slown down and I couldn't hear any more sobs. When the movie ended, I slightly shaked Jes and she sat up, looking murderous. I gave her a comforting smile and she blushed. She rested her head on my shoulder as we all decided what we were gonna do next. We decided on truth or dare...

Jes' P.O.V

When Niall walked out with the popcorn, I loooked around and realized that the only spare seat was beside you on a small couch that looks like something a couple would sit on. When he asked me if he could sit beside me, on the inside I was major fangirling but on the outiside I just nodded. When everyone decided to watch "The Titanic", I was upset because the girls know I can't watch it without balling my eyes out and making a mess of myself. The movie started and I kept the tears in until about half way when the sinking got really bad. Niall must have seen the tears as he put his arm around my shoulder. I couldn't bear to watch any more so I burried my face into his chest. I fell asleep almost instantly. I can't have been asleep that long when someone slightly shaked me. I am really protective over my body so I sat up straight and glared at everyone. I suddenly remebered where I was and I blushed and rested my head on Nialls shoulder. Everyone started fighting over what to do next and then Louis shouted "Lets play truth or dare!!" my eyes widened and I thought 'well this will be interesting!'

Louis' P.O.V

I had an evil idea and since I came up with the game, I got to pick the victim first (*evil smile*) I think everyone must have seen my evil smile because they all looked really worried. I said "Niall.. Truth or Dare" NIall looked careless and simply said "Truth!" I smirked.. This will be hilarious! "okay.. do you have a crush on Jes?!" Niall blushed and looked like he could kill someone. "umm.. can u pass??" he said and I said "unless you wanna sleep on the street for the rest of our break??" and he said "okay.. umm, yes. I do like Jes!" He said half confident - half nervous of what her reaction would be. "oohh!! Niall, your turn!!" Niall smirked and he turned to me "Jes!! Truth or dare?!" Jes smiled and said "dare!!" Nialls eyes widened as if he was positive she would say truth. "oh. umm.. will you be my girlfriend?!"

(A/N: How do you like it?! Comment and vote (ifyou like it) and I should have the next chapter up in the next 24 hours! Bye xx)

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