Chapter 5

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I'm soooooooooo sorry I haven't uploaded in a while!! I've been really busy this week!! Please forgive me!! Xxx Enjoy this chapter.


Nialls P.O.V

As the limo drove down the driveway, I thought about Jes. I love her so much!! She is pefect in every way and I am so lucky to have her. I hope she likes clubs because thats where we're going. I got out of the car and walked up and knocked on the door. Soph answered and smiled. "She'll be out in a few". I smiled back and walked into the living room. A few minutes later, Emma came down and said "she's in the hallway." I nodded and walked into the hallway to see my beautiful girlfiend in the dress she picked out yesterday. "You look amazing" She said. "Don't look too bad yourself" I said smirking. She hit me playfully on my arm. I asked "Shall we go" she nodded and we walke dout the door. We got into the limo and One Thing was playing. We sang along and before we knew it, we were at the club I was taking Jes to. We got out to a deafening sound of screaming fans. I grabbed Jes' hand as we made our through the thickness of fans. I don't even know how they knew we were gonna be here. Oh well. We finally got inside and were swarmed by paparazzi. "Is it true you guys are engaged?!" , "How lng have you guys been together?!" , "Is Jes really pregnant?!" We stood there for about 10 minutes answering questions and then I said as calmly as I could, "Could you guys please leave us alone because we came here to have a good time and this isn't exactly the funnest thing" They all hurried away and we mad eour way to the dance floor where there were A FEW tables. We sat down at one and since Jes is still a few weeks under 18, she can't buy drinks so I went and bought the drinks. When i got back there was some guy flirting with Jes.. not cool. I walked over and put my arm around her waist. The guys stupid smile turned into a stupid half-frown. He said "So can I get your number babe" looking at Jes. She frowned and said "Um, if you haven't realised, I have a boyfriend and he's way better then you'll ever be so leave my and Niall alone!! Oh! And don't call me babe" The guy stomped away angrily. I kissed Jes softly and then we went to sit down. After we had a few drinks, we were both a bit tipsy but still able to walk. A slow song came on so I stood up and extended my hand to Jes. She smiled, taking my hand. We made our way to the dance florr and started dancing. We danced for about 30 mins when some random papparazzi. They were the kind that didn't just turn our answers around and make us sound really stupid, they were the ones that tell the truth so we decided to answer. One of them asked "So are you two official?" I looked at Jes and she gave me a look that said 'tell them the truth' so i replied "Yea, for a few days now" They smiled and quickly scribbled something down. "Is it true that you and the boys are all in a relationship?" a girl with short black hair asked. "Umm, no. Just me."  I replied. "So Niall, why did you pick Jes?" someone asked and Jes squeezed my hand. I looked at her and i could see the hurt in her eyes. "Becuase she is absolutely perfect and I loved her the moment I saw her" I said and then leaned down to kiss her. When we broke the kiss, I looked up, forgetting the paps were there, and asked "Can you please excuse us while we have our last dance for the night?" 

Jes and I walked home after we had answered all the paps questions and had one more dance. When we got back to the house, everyone was playing truth or dare.. what is with them and that game?? Louis yelled out "Jes!!! Niall!! You're back!! Please join!!" Oh great, this will be fun.

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