Chapter 4

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A/N: Oh My God!! I got 207 reads on this fanfic!! You guys are awesome!! That means so much!! Anyways, heres Chapter 4)

Nialls P.O.V

When we got in the van, WMYB was playing. Everyone started singing and I couldn't help notice how good Jes was. She was amazing. I am seriously thinking of trying ot get her into the studio to record a few songs. I whispered in her ear "You have an amazing voice" she blushed and whispered back "you too" we both laughed and then sat there in silence. Not an awkward silence, a comfortable silence. We finally got to the shops, Harry started running to Jack Wills. "Looks like we're going to Jack Wills" Soph said. We all nodded and walked slowly into the store. When we walked in, no surprise, we saw Harry flirting with the girl at the counter. We walked over and introduced ourselves. She started flirting with me when I introduced myself. Jes looked hurt so I whispered "Start laughing" when I pulled away, she started laughing her cute laugh. The girl at the counter, who's name was Kayla, looked really angry. Harry slipped a piece of paper into her hands, which I assumed was his number. we walked out of the store without buying anything. "Haarry, you idiot.. she could give that to all of her friends!! What were you thinking?! Liam asked. Harry put on an innocent look  "what?! she was hot!!" he said in a baby voice. We all glared at him "Fine, I'll change my number" he said. We all laughed and started walking towards a store that Soph wanted to go to. When wea lked in, all the girls looked like they had just gone ot heaven. i have ot admit, the store was quite cool but not really my style. Obviously.. it was a girls store. We were in the store for about half an hour when the girls had their arms full of clothes/accessories. Jes went up to the counter and once her items were all scanned, she got out her purse and I quickly walked over to her and said "No!!! I'm paying" She started to argue but before her words came out, I had already payed.

Jes P.O.V

When my clothes were scanned, I went to pay for them but instead, Niall came up beside me and got money out of his wallet. I tried to stop him but he had already given the money over. When we walked out of the shop, I kissed Niall and we started walking around to find a shop. About an hour of walking around, we decided to go and get some lunch. When we got to the food court, Niall begged "CAN WE GO TO NANDOS?!?!" I said yes but everyone else said no so Niall and I went together and everyone else went seperately. When we got there, Niall ordered the '2 whole chickens with 3 large sides' and two pepsi-max's. We got our orders and went and sat at a table for two and started eating. Niall ate most of the chickens whilst I ate the sides. When we were finished Niall stood up and put out his hand for me to take it. "Do you want to go out tonight?" Niall asked me. "Of course I do!!" I said. He smiled and said "Well.. lets get you something to wear!!" We walked into a fancy shop that had some really nice clothes. We walked around it for a while until I came across a really nice dress!!  (>>Pic on the side>>) I called Niall over, and he pushed me into a fitting room straight away. I put the dress on and it was perfect fit. I walked out and Nialls eyes widened as he saw me. I blushed and he rushed over to me. "You are os beautiful Jes!" he said. I blushed even more and went to take the dress off. I looked at the price and it was only $150. I decided I would pay for it. I walked out and took Nialls hand and we walked to the counter. I payed and we walked out. Nialls and my phones started ringing at the same time. My call was from Soph and Nialls was Liam. We both answered. "Hello!!" I said. "Hey. Heard about your date tonight" Soph said. I was shocked because I didn;t think that anyone else knew yet. "How did you find out?" I asked. "Oh!! The lads knew and they told all of us" "Oh, Ok. And yeah!! I found a beautiful dress to wear. Tonight is gonna be perfect"  I could see her 'aaww'ing and I said. "Hey, I have to go. See ya later. you and Emma are gonna do my hair and makeup" She said "Okay. Bye hun" and hung up. 


Jes'  P.O.V

"Hurry Up Em!! Nialls gonna be here any minute!!" I yelled as Emma did the finishing touches on my hair. "I'm trying!!" She yelled back. Funny enough, there was a knock on the door. Soph answered it and a few seconds later, she came running upstairs and said "Nialls waiitng in the living room" I smiled at them both and they both said "you look beatiful" I thanked him and quickly loooked in the mirror. I must admit, I did look quite good. I walked downstairs and walked over to Niall. "You look amazing" I told him. "Don't look too bad yourself" he said, with a smirk on his face. I hit him playfully and asked "Shall we go?" He nodded and we walked outside to see a black stretched limo. we got in and One Thing was playing. We sang along and by the end of the song, we were already at the venue. It looked like a club. This will be interesting.. I thought

A/N: Theres Chapter 4.. Please comment and give feedbacl :D

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