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~Yoongi's POV~

"Jihoon stay right there." I left him a in the car as I went into the studio.

I ran into the building to grab the music sheets I had left there the day before. Searching around my studio making a mess as i tried to make the trip short and return to my car.

"Hyung!" I yelled at Seokjin as he passed down the hallway.

"Yeah?" He replied, poking his head in the doorway.

"Will you go check on Jihoon, I can't find these papers." Jin replied with a short hum before i heard him start running up the stairs.

I slightly smiled in relief upon finding the correct papers.

"YOONGI!" Seokjin yelled down the hall.

"Oh my god. You need to calm your shit. You scared me." I held on to my chest as my heart raced.

"Yoongi, Jihoon is gone!" Seokjin said while gasping for air.

"N-no, he's in the car." I tried to laugh off Seokjin sick joke.

"Stop lying about my brother, that shit's not funny Jin Hyung." Jin said nothing and just starred at me.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath as I ran out of the room.

"Jihoon!" I yelled as I burst out the building.

I pulled open the car down, everything was in the right place except Jihoon was out of his car seat. He was gone.

"How could some just run off with a seventeen year old?" I asked myself looking around the area for the short little.

I asked a handful of people if they had seen him, but no one had. I returned to my car it was now cold and I had lost the only family I had left. I didn't know whether to break down and cry or go on rampage punching everyone I saw. I drove to the apartment Jihoon and I shared after calling the police. They said they would try their best in trying to find him.

Flash forward.

"Happy Birthday dear Yoongi, happy birthday to you!" I blew out my candles ungreatfully.

"I'm going to my room now. Thank you boys." I said to rest of the group.

They know I hate my birthday because it's Jihoon's too. We're twenty today. They've stopped looking for him, but I know he's somewhere out there. I can feel it. I tossed and turned in my bed, trying to sleep this day away like I've tried for the past three years. I opened my eyes looking around my dark room. I looked down to my forearm, all the scars that marked each day waiting. They've obviously overlapped making it hard to count the tally system from my wrist. I got up taking off my shirt. The body that I practically shared with him. I looked in the mirror, looking at my scarred and unnaturally defined collar bones where I had cut before Jungkook saw them. After the maknae had noticed I switched to my arm having long sleeves to cover them. I heard my door open from behind me, turning around to see Hoseok's small figure walk into my room.

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