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I bopped my head to the beat as the song Treasure by Bruno Mars blasted from my Bluetooth speaker. I'm in a Bruno Mars mood today. After I finished my homework, I decided to finally fold my laundry that was three days overdue, and I tidied up my dorm room a bit. I'm glad I don't have a roommate to fuss about how messy it was.

I turn down my music because it was getting late. I didn't want to be that obnoxious neighbor that plays loud music at ungodly hours.

After a while, I just sat and thought about what I'd like to do as soon as summer vacation arrives, which isn't for another 8 months, but it's never to early to start planning. Times like this I sometimes wish I had a roommate because I do get a little lonely. As soon as I flopped back on my bed and my head hits the pillow, there was a knock at my door.

Confused, I shot back up to a sitting position and glanced at the clock. 11:48 PM. I didn't know why I was up this late when I have class early in the morning. I know how I am when it comes to waking up early.

I didn't want to open the door because I am far from 'decent'. My bra was discarded and I'm wearing a white tank top and panties. Self-consciously, I hid my body behind the door as I opened it.

My heart jumps into my chest when I see who it is. His arm is leaning against the door frame, his hand dangling. He wore his gray slippers and Black sweatpants with no shirt. His beautifully sculpted chest with tattoos, his six-pack, and V-line were all in a display for anyone to enjoy. Where the hell was his shirt? His head was hung low, so when he brought his head up, he had a fervid look on his face.

I didn't know what to do, or what to say as my mouth went dry and oxygen failed me. He never fails to amaze me. I bit my lip and he took a deep breath. "I couldn't sleep," He starts. "No matter how exhausted I felt, I couldn't bring myself to sleep." He stood up straight so that he wasn't leaning on my door frame. He towers over me with his 6'3 frame. I lick my dry lips and stare shamelessly.

His eyes were dark as he stares into mine. Does he have insomnia? On the contrary, he didn't look tired.

"Then I realize that I was missing something," he slips through my door and closes it behind him, not forgetting to lock it. I didn't even attempt to cover myself because of how comfortable I was around him. His lips were slightly ajar as he stares me up and down, then his voice got deeper. Huskier. "I was craving something. Do you know what I craved, Sia?" He asks me as he got closer.

I blinked. I'm sure that was a rhetorical question, but I answered him anyway, my voice barely audible. He kept creeping up to me until my nipples hit his bare abdomen, and his face was inches away from mine. His hand comes up to stroke the side of my face and I close my eyes to bask at the moment, and lean into his touch. I felt him move closer.

"I crave you," he whispers to me as his cool nose was touching mine and his lips were softly brushing against mine. My heart rate speeding up, but then it skips a beat when he leans in ever so slowly to whisper in my ear, "I crave to be inside you." Did I ever mention that he's a bold son-of-a-bitch?

Air from my lungs escapes me and my eyes pop open. He didn't give me the chance to fully register what he had said because the next thing I know, his pink, plump lips landed on mine. As if it was of second nature, I kissed him back. His tongues slip into my mouth and our lips moved with such horny passion and hunger—a hunger that could only be satiated once we've thoroughly explored each other.

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