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—Girl Friends—


It's almost the end of October, which means: I have an upcoming test to study for, a new theme to develop for Shoot & Beauty. I need to type up a report on how CHILLIN' LOUNGE was profiting for the month and any recommendations as needed, and also, it's almost Halloween.

I'm not crazy about celebrating Halloween, but the frat boys usually throw a huge ass party and I've been informed that they want to do it at the CHILLIN' LOUNGE. Since I am the manager, it is up to me to decide whether or not to let them have it—I know Dane wouldn't care because the frat boys are practically his frat brothers even though he isn't pledged.

Chris texted me earlier this morning and asked to meet. I don't know how the hell this boy is up and functioning at 4 in the morning, but God bless him.

Contrary to the season, it was pretty warm out today so I decided to wear something basic and simple considering I'll be running around campus trying to get organized. I have on a simple purple tank top, biker shorts, with my all-black Nike shoes.

I received a text from Finn while heading out of my dorm room. We've been talking for about a month now and every day a new emotion unravels from inside.

Finn☺️: Good morning☀️ I hope you slept well. Breakfast?

I had about an hour before class so I agreed to meet up with him at the CHILLIN' LOUNGE. The thing about the lounge was that we only serve breakfast and dinner. Hours run from 4:30 pm-10:30 am. The CHILLIN' LOUNGE is mainly a dinner/hookah and bar club that also renders service to those who are hungover from the night before. We sell remedy beverages to those people also. This was all Dane's idea.

He wanted to have a place where he can hang out, smoke, drink and eat and if he gets too drunk, he could come back for a cure for his hangover the next morning before class.

I greeted everyone and requested the breakfast special for Finn and I. "Hey," Finn walks up to me and gave me a hug that seemed a little too intimate. I may have been reading too much into it, but I don't think so. Even though I've told him that we are only friends, we have been hanging out and flirting more than normal friends should.

Besides Sabrina, Finn had proven to me that he cares for me and is here to help whenever he could. We sat down and not long after, our breakfast made way to the table. My stomach growls as I dig into my spinach and bacon omelet.

"What are you doing later?" He asks me.

"Studying. I have a test next week."

"On top of your work duties?" I slowly nod my head. "I can help you if you want."


"Of course. I like being with you, Siana."

I blushed and l look down. "Also, I've nothing to do and I don't feel like sitting around to watch freshmen prove themselves worthy of being a frat brother." I roll my eyes.

"Okay. Come by later at the studio and I'll put you to work." I smile at him.

As I sat my bag down on the seat next to me, my phone vibrates. I have one message from Chris reminding me to meet up with him. This guy is very punctual and organized—it makes me wonder why Dane didn't appoint him as manager. I mean, that is his best friend after all.

I took my seat at the end of the row in the back. I always sat next to the door so I could slip in or out of class easily. Being that it's Friday, I only had two lectures to sit through for the day.

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