Chapter Two:

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Ashton's P.O.V:

I threw on my jacket, and ran my fingers through my messy hair.

All I wanted was a nap, but I couldn't ditch Evee like that.

Today is our one year anniversary, and I plan to make it the best possible.

I just finished with a rehearsal, and now I was off to pick up my lovely girlfriend.

We were going to visit an amusement park. One of her favorite places to go.

She was quite the roller coaster fanatic.

I on the other hand, would have loved to visit the beach, but that's not her cup of tea.

She doesn't like to swim, believe it or not. She is uncomfortable with her body she says.

No matter how many times you tell that girl she is beautiful, she will never believe it.

I left the hotel, and drove a block or two over with the occasional yawn.

I reached her place ten minutes later and knocked on the door.

She opened it a second later, wearing a cute overall type kind of outfit, and a green beanie. Her white Keds, complimented the attire, and made her look quite attractive.

"Happy one year!" she said as she hugged my neck. I smiled, and embraced her in a hug back.

Her high pitched giggle was ringing in my ear, but I didn't mind.

"Happy one year, love," I said as she pulled away with a smile.

We walked to the car, and headed for the park.

The music was turned up the whole time, so we barely said anything.

When we arrived, I opened her door, like a gentlemen should, and we entered the carnival.

Loads of kids, ran wild, as their parents chased after them, yelling. Clowns, and cotton candy lined the pathway, as did small street venders full of hotdogs, and pretzels.

The lights were overbearing, and the circus music filled the air.

I saw Evee smile out the corner of my eye, and I put all matters aside, ready to have a fantastic day with my love.

We first hit one of her all-time favorite coasters as she like to say.

The Volcano. 'It's name was ironic, because it concluded nothing of a volcano. No explosions, no heat, no flame.

Evee said the suspense was suppose to make it feel as if you were about to fall into a volcano.

I guess I could see that.

After a few rides, I decided I was hungry, so we sat down at a bench with out corndogs, and soda.

"Having fun?" she asked as she took a bite of her dog.

I nodded, sipping the jumbo coke I had bought seconds before.

"You sure? You haven't said much." she replied.

I realized I haven't said much, and proceeded to regret it.

"I'm sorry, honey. Just a lot on my mind with the new album being released, and the writing and things. I promise to make the rest of the day, about you, and only you."

She grinned, "It's alright honey. I just want you to have fun. This is our day. Let's make it about us," she said placing a kiss to my cheek.

I smiled, and nodded. "Yeah."

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