Chapter Ten:

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Ashton's P.O.V:

I woke to the unusual feeling of being wrapped in someone's arms. My body was sore, and I felt weak, but I shifted, turning around. Evee, was lying there, wearing my clothes.

'What happened last night?'

I looked down at our bodies intertwined, and then the gauze covering my arms, brought all of it back.

Evee knew.  Images of her blood shot eyes, and quivering lips were rushing through my head.

I can't believe she knows. I remember running home last night, after I had completely fucked up her gift.

I remember the looks Michael and Evee shared.

I remember forgetting to lock the door.

I remember everything, from Evee wrapping her arms around me to then wrapping gauze around my wounds.

Suddenly I felt a weight on my left arm. I looked down, and up, to see Evee's beautiful green eyes starring up at me.

"Good morning sweetie," she said groggily sitting up. I felt as if there was a heavy weight on my chest, and everything was happening to fast.

"Good morning," I replied quietly.

She frowned looking down at my arms, and I slid them under the blanket. "You don't have to hide them anymore Ashton." She said this in the most comforting way, so I pulled them back out, and just let them lay in my lap.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, grabbing my shaky hand. "I'm going," I said unsure of what else to say.

To be completely honest, I felt like crap.

I felt like utter shit. Not only because I was in pain, but because I could see she was in pain.

I never meant to hurt Evee, never. I wanted all of this to be my secret. Only mine.

"That's good. How about some breakfast? You didn't eat much at the party last night. You must be starving." I really was, but I didn't feel like eating. Not now at least. I was about to shake my head no, until I looked into her pleading eyes.

That's when I started to wonder if she had noticed my terrible eating habits of the past few weeks. I hadn't been eating as much, due to my issues. I felt as if I were eating to much. I never thought that I would be the one, to fall for the 'you're fat' thing, but reading their comments hurt. I believed it all.

"Sure," I said nodding. She let go of a little grin, and pulled me out of the comfort of my queen sized bed.

"What do you want?" she then asked entering my kitchen, and flipping the light switch. I watched as she opened the fridge door, then shut it grunting under her breath because I had no food.

She looked in the cabinets, and found pancake mix. "Will this work?" she asked turning to me, with a 'this-better-work-because-its-all-you-have' look. I nodded. "I'll m-make them," I stuttered out. She looked at me, then down at my arms.

"Ash, you need to do as little as possible," she stated, rubbing her hand up my ripped arm.

I frowned a bit, and walked to the table. I sat, and looked up to her, holding the box of pancake mix. She was starring at it, and would glance up at me every few seconds. "Ash, I don't know if I can do this by myself. Could you help me please?" I grinned, getting up from my chair.

"Yeah sweetie," I grabbed the box from her hands, and continued to cook the food. She mixed the batter, and I dipped them onto the pan in sloppy patties.

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