Chapter Eighteen:

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Michael's P.O.V:

I sat alone in my room, looking through various hair dye kits. I needed a new look, maybe then I could get his attention.

After making my decision on the 'Fiery Red', I put away the rest of the boxes I had for later. Making my way into the bathroom, I sat the box on the counter, and began to stare at myself in the mirror.

A smile couldn't possibly be formed, and I knew exactly why.

1. I felt like shit.

2. I looked like shit.

3. I was the biggest asshole known to man.

How the fuck do you do this Michael? Can't you just be nice?

I sighed to myself, and began to take the content out of the box, just when I heard my bedroom door sling open. I poked my head out the bathroom door to see Luke, mad as hell.

"Michael fucking Clifford! Why the hell did you kiss her?" he screamed. I groaned, not wanting to be reminded. I didn't want to remember that kiss, but Luke was enforcing that I do.

"Shut the hell up, Hemmings." I groaned, slamming the door. But before I could lock it, he barged in, hitting me with the door. I stumbled back, "Watch it Luke! I'm not in any mood for your bullshit!"

"Zip it, Mike. Why the hell did you kiss Ashton's girlfriend?" he screamed in my ear.

Those words hurt.

'Ashton's girlfriend.'

I tried to turn away, and go along with my business. But he lingered in my ear. "Michael, tell me why you kissed her?"

"How do you know I kissed her? What if she kissed me?" I snapped, feeling the weight on my shoulders. "Ashton talked to her, Michael. She told him it was you who kissed her. Ash could tell, and quite frankly, I believe them."

My heart shattered. "You're going to believe that bitch over your best friend!? He believes her?! What the fuck?!"

Luke groaned, "Well you haven't been much of a friend to Ashton ever since you met Evee. Always tearing him down, talking about how hot his girlfriend is, and then when he tells you about his problems, you go a shit all over him! Honestly, kissing his girlfriend wouldn't be taking any bigger of a step, Clifford."

I was beyond furious at that moment.

Not at Luke, nor Ashton. Not even Evee. I was angry with myself.

I knew I had been a complete ass since Evee fully came into the picture, but Luke telling me this to my face really hit me hard.

But they don't know why I've been acting this way. They never asked. They never cared to ask.

"Shut the fuck up!" I snapped once again, rushed past him, and out the door. Once I was down stairs, I heard the door slam from above. Luke wasn't letting me loose.

"Michael!" he yelled. But I just kept going. 

Out the front door, I spotted Ashton's yellow push bike he had left after a practice one day. I immediately grabbed it, and hopped on. I began to pedal, out into the street.

I heard the scuffing sounds of Luke's sneakers against the pavement behind me. Looking back I saw him jogging towards me his face angrier than before. 

I couldn't help but let tears form in my eyes. 

No one understands me.

No one.

I pedalled faster...

and faster...

and faster...

Until I heard Luke scream.


But by the time those words left his mouth.... world was already black.


Sorry for such a short chapter. But this was a big filler for the story, and part of a plot twist. ;)

I am super excited for the next few chapters! Like...seriously :D

Honestly when I went to write this chapter, I had no idea where I was going with it. But then I began to write, and my head blew up with ideas. I hope you guys are ready :)

Thanks for being so totally amazing guys!! All of your reads, votes, and comments, make my day xx

I don't have a clue where I would be without you guys! You mean the world!

Please do not hate me for this cliffhanger. Who knows I could possibly update again tonight..I don't know. We will see!

I will see you guys next chapter!

Stay beautifully unique x I love you!

-Robin Nicole xx

(P.s. Please leave predictions and comments on what you thought about this chapter and what you think is coming! I want to know what you guys are thinking! c: Also, vote please!)

(P.s. again! Go wish my cousin, the beautiful girl who introduced this site to me a very happy birthday! It would mean the world xx Please? Check her out @shimmer_babe12 I love you, cutie! Hope you had a great day!)

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