Chapter 11

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Seraphina's PoV

Anger. Hot seething anger. That was the only emotion that flooded my body after drinking Lucifer's concoction. The world around me went by in a fast blur. A familiar voice filled my ears amidst all of the sizzling heat.

"You're whole now. Set free."

"We can finally rule together."

"Let the anger fill you. Release it on those who wronged us."

Everything was hazy. I took the backseat in my own mind as I watched my body continue to function without me. It functioned without emotion or caring. Pain split my head as memories flooded my mind. I drifted in and out of consciousness many times, not knowing what was happening around me.

I sobbed uncontrollably as I lay curled in bed. It had been two days since Lucifer was banished. A piece of me had been ripped out and crushed. I no longer cared what happened to me. At the time he was being banished it was so easy to hide my emotions. It finally hit me a few minutes after the room had cleared out. I had crumpled to the ground and my heart had felt like it was bursting out of my chest. My whole world was gone and I didn't do anything to stop it from happening. I was disgusted with myself, but even more so with Kaveen. 

Lucifer had only made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, so why was he punished so harshly for it?  Deep down I had a sickening feeling Kaveen was merely making an example of him. Asserting his power and showing that no one could dare defy him. I found myself having disturbing thoughts of making him pay.


I couldn't let myself think like that. I was allowed to feel anguished and heartbroken, but I would not let anger take over. My dear husband knew the consequences and still chose to break the rules. I mean he killed countless humans in a petty act of revenge. I would forever mourn my loss but I wouldn't let it break me. I would become stronger from this.

My consciousness slowly came back. Lucifer was speaking to my emotionless husk excitedly. "They'll just waltz unknowingly right into my grasp. Pathetically hoping to save you and instead they'll face you down." He paced the obsidian deck we were standing on that overlooked the lava. "I'll send my demons away, and move the captives closer to the entrance. It'll take them some searching but it'll seem very easy. I hope they'll figure out it's a trap, it'll be much funner that way." He grinned sadistically.

He turned to look at my blank expression. Walking slowly up to me his hand reached up to cup my face gently. "Hopefully by the time your mind returns, you'll see that this is the only way. If not..." He paused momentarily. "I guess I'll just have to... Get you to see things my way." The vagueness of his statement worried me. Quickly though I stopped worrying, because the darkness enveloped me once again.

I stood at the front of a large army of angels. Kaveen and several of his higher ups including Gabriel stood next to me. All of us were adorned in bright golden battle armor. A white cloak behind my shoulders blew lightly in the wind. Currently we were on Earth in the middle of  a barren burned landscape. Lucifer and his demons had decimated half of the human population by now. It had only taken a year to kill or capture almost half of the world. The first to go were the military and everyone else with high firepower. After they were gone, the remaining humans stood no chance.

We were about to take on the biggest battle yet. Movement over the battlefield caught my attention. It was the dead of night, but angels had pretty good night vision. Only the blackest of darkness was impenetrable to our eyes. Out of the darkness came twisted black shapes, demons. At their front was the person I hadn't seen since that fateful day many years ago, Lucifer. I felt the familiar pang of longing in my heart as I stared at him. On this day we were nothing but enemies. He'd changed quite a bit. His once bright blonde hair was now black as the night. The once happy and carefree expression that used to grace his face was now gone. Masked with a scowl that seemed to be permanently dark and cruel. Our eyes locked, I felt entranced and glued to his cold grey eyes. Recognition flashed across his face, and his scowl seemed to lessen slightly before becoming even deeper. 

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