Meeting him

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~6 years old~ *(Y/N)’s POV*

“Dad I’m going to the park across the street!” I yelled while putting my shoes on and placing my snack bag on my back, as I wanted for a response. 

“Okay, remember no talking to strangers, when crossing the street look both ways, if someone asks you to go with them RUN AWAY. I’ll ask Naomasa to pick you up, I love you (Y/N) and BE SAFE.” I heard my dad shout from the living. Due to Dad being the Number One Hero we always had to move. But when I turned 5 he decided it was best for me to stay in Japan and stay with his best friend, Naomasa Tsukauchi or Uncle Nao for short. He didn’t want Villains to know about me. 

“I know Dad, I’ll be careful.” I said before giggling at his overprotectiveness. As promised I looked both ways when crossing the street and made my way to the swing set. After a few minutes playing I heard crying, out of curiosity I climbed up a tree that was near the scene. I saw kids that were my age, three on one side and two on the other. The boy with the messy green hair was protecting another boy from the kid with ash blond hair. The Ash blond hair boy was about to attack the two boys before I jumped out of the tree and pushed the blond boy by his side. 

“Oi what are you doing?! It’s not nice and you're acting like a bully.” I yelled at the three boys, mostly the blond one. He got up from the floor and glared at me. 

“It’s none of your business girly, we’re only showing these quirkless losers their place. Unless you're quirkless as well, then you can gladly join them.” The ash blond replied, before punching his fist causing explosions to appear.  I flinch due to the loudness but I knew I had to be strong, just like Dad. 

‘Dad said I can't expose my quirks, it’s too dangerous.’ I thought nervously. 

“Hey Katsuki she’s the new girl in our class, remember?” The boy on his left said.

“Yeah and this will be an easy fight, she’s only a girl. What can a gi-.” The boy on his right said before I cut him off by pushing him to the ground, sat on his stomach, and started punching him. 

“YEAH SO WHAT JUST BECAUSE I”M A GIRL DOESN’T MEAN I CAN’T BE A HERO.” I yelled as I continued punching. His friends had to pull me off before punching me in the face, I fell to the ground and before I could get up they started kicking, and punching me. I covered my head and face from their attacks. I looked at the crack of my fingers to see the green hair boy standing there petrified. After what felt like forever they finally stopped and walked away, laughing at my weak state. The green hair boy ran to me and tried helping me stand up. The boy was crying his eyes out and I’m sure my eyes were red and puffy as well. Once I was at least on my knees he hugged me, I was shocked at first but I relaxed and returned it. I went to my bag and took at the bandages in case for emergencies. I first wrapped the boy’s injuries before attending to mine.  

“I-I’m sor-ry.” The boy stuttered with tears in his eyes. 

“For what? You did nothing wrong.” I told him, he shocked his head.

“It’s m-my faul-lt, I sh-hould’ve b-been stro-onger, just l-like All MIght. B-but I-I’m q-quirkless, how c-can I be a h-hero?''The boy said with tears in his eyes. 

“Well you don’t need a quirk to be a hero. Think of other ways to be a hero. Use that head of yours to think of gadgets to help you.” I told him with a smile. He looked at me shocked before giving one back.

“My name is (Y/N) (L/N). You can call me (Y/N).” I told him.   

“My n-name is I-Izuku Midoriya-a. You can call me Izuku.” He said, shyly.

“How about we make each other a promise.” I said looking at him. 

“A promise?” He asked. I nodded.

“Like a pinky promise. A promise that we'll always and forever be at each other's side. We’ll grow up and become heroes together even if the world is against us.” I told him with a smile, he nodded with sparkles in his eyes. 

“I promise to always be by your side.” I said extending my pinky.

“I promise that no one will get in between us.” Izuku said, enwiding his pinky with mine. 

“I promise to become heroes together and protect each other.” We shouted at the same time, shooting our hands in the sky. 

“To celebrate our friendship, we can eat the snacks I brought.” I said, as I set the blanket and food. We ate dinosaur sandwiches, crackers, fruit gummies, Pocky,  water/ juice boxes, and shared a slice of cake. After we finished eating and waiting for our food to settle down we played some more before Izuku’s mom picked him up. Not long after Uncle Nao came and we left home. 

Just like that our promise to each other was made. 

And when I met Izuku for the first time. 

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