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"Morning Anastasia!" Viktor says cheerfully.
"God damnit Viktor, it's too early." I say as I kick him in his shins. Grabbing out his phone he shows me the time; 10:00 am. I quickly get up and out of the room. My hair was all messed up when I ran out of my room and I slipped on Makkachin. God why do I have to be so clumsy. I landed on my chest. "Anastasia ! Get up you don't want to be late for breakfast." Viktor says teasingly.
"Won't you just shut up." I say getting myself off the floor. After that mishap me, Viktor ,and Yuuri have breakfast.
"Thank You so much for breakfast I can't believe I ate this much." I say patting my stomach.
"Yeah my mom makes good breakfast." Yuri says shyly.
"Now Anastasia be careful you don't want to get over weight." Viktor chirps after finishing his drink.
"Since when will that ever happen?" I mumble quickly as I go to the room we share and close the door and get ready. After my shower I grab my suitcase deciding what to wear. I go outside the room and of course everyone is waiting for me.

"Sorry I took so long

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"Sorry I took so long." I say and of course we head outside. The views, the place is all amazing! I'm really interested into taking an artsy photo nearby the cherry blossom trees. Crap! No I can't do that then Yakov would know I'm in Japan with Viktor.
"Hey Anastasia take a picture with me!" my brother insists. We both smile as the cherry blossoms are in the background.
"I'm posting this on Instagram!!" He cheered excitedly.
"Wait, Yakov doesn't know that I'm in Japan." I say.
"Well now he knows." He responds.
"Sorry tigger I thought you told him."
"I thought you did." We sat down on a bench near the trees and sighed. Bring!
"That's probably Yakov." I sigh and grab my phone.
"Hello? Yes. Yes. Yes. Bye." I end the call and sit back down.
"Where to now?" I sigh.
After a giant tour of the place we go back to place we stay and grab dinner.
"Come on Tigger," Viktor says.
"Viktor I told you I don't eat pork."
"Wow what happened while you were gone?" He asked me.
"I went on a different diet and practiced more."
"Why you were fine before."
"Not after what happened." He looked at me confused.
"Позже." I said quietly.
(A/N Позже or pozzhe is later in Russian)

After dinner I went to my room and decided to call him again.
"Hey I am currently not here right now , but leave a message."
"Hey it's Anastasia just wanted to let you know that I'm in Japan and that I hope to see you soon call me back." I say into my phone as I lay down on the bed. Hanging up the phone I throw it down on my pillow.
"Sigh... I wish he was here." I say to myself.
"Who?" Viktor asks as he walks into the room.
"Someone." I say as I transition into Russian so no one else could here our conversation. My legs shift into a criss cross formation.
"I want to know who Anastasia."
"God, it was someone that I met when I was training in Detroit."
"Who was it?"

(A/n) sorry the chapter isn't that long my stars, I will have another chapter posted soon!


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