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it had been almost a week since any of the losers talked in the groupchat. it had been almost a week since any of the losers had been at school. it had been almost a week of bill being unconscious.
they all visited bill, the 9 were the only people who visited, besides georgie who went with stan. the doctors said he should wake up soon, maybe in a couple days, but they were never really sure.

"hey richie." eddie mumbled as he walked into bills hospital room, room 306, everyone had it memorized.

"hey spaghetti, hows your mom?" he tried to joke, to make things lighter, but all he got was a snort from the shorter boy.

"lets go to the park, rich, to get some fresh air." richie nodded and eddie waved to bill, whispering a bye and grabbing richies hand, pulling the trashmouth out of the door.

richie pulled out his phone and scrolled to the now deserted groupchat and sent a text.

hey guys, wanna meet up at the park? me and eds are heading there now.

yea, i need some air

me too

see you guys there


give me like 20 minutes and i'll be there

richie put his phone away and walked to the nearby park with eddie.

"hey edward spagedward, when do ya think billiam's gon' wake up?"

"soon. i know it." the smaller male responded, he didnt sound very sure of himself though.

the two losers continued walking down the path to the already mentioned park. once
they got there they were met with victor and henry sitting in the grass near a big oak tree.

"hey gays!" richie screeched in a horrible british accent, wanting to lighten the mood.

".... gays?" vic asked, in his sweet soft voice that everyone loved.

"duh." richie responded like it was obvious. everyone knew victor was gay, you could see it from a mile away, just like his bleach blond hair. it was all too obvious.

"well, you guys mind if we.... sit?" eddie hesitated, not actually wanting to sit in the dirty grass.

"go ahead." henry said, actually smiling.

richie, being the kind soul he is, laid down his jacket for the small boy to sit on. earning him a sweet and sincere smile from said boy.

"thanks." eddie mumbled.

the four boys waited for the others to arrive, making small talk, but mostly it was richie whispering to eddie about how henry was making bedroom eyes to victor.

"shut up, dick!" eddie lightly punched the taller boys shoulder. richie grumbled and faked a pout.


all four boys perked up when they heard mike's voice behind them. they saw ben, bev and belch right behind him. they all walked over and sat near the already sitting boys.

"you guys hear? bill should be wakin' up soon." ben said, excitement in his voice. it was weird, being excited when your best friend is in a coma.

"wait, are you serious?" beverly asked, had not heard it before now.

ben nodded, happily. there was silence between them all for a couple minutes, but it wasn't awkward, it was comforting.

"hey guys." stan. mike looked up and saw the boy walking over to them.

"ben said bill should be waking up soon." eddie said, smiling up at the jewish boy.

stan smiled one of the biggest smiles ever and it about made everyones day.

"its getting late, lets get some sleep and we'll talk more tomorrow, see if billy wakes up?"
richie said, everyone agreed. they all needed sleep, really really badly.

the losers minus one, and the bowers gang walked home. belch, vic and henry all decided to stay at vic's. his house was the biggest out of all three and the emptiest.

"bye guys, see you tomorrow." victor said, well, it sounded more like a whisper but they got the point. belch said 'bye' and henry just nodded, like the punk he is.

then it was just the six. ben, bev, richie, eddie, mike and stan. it felt like how it used to be, it would have been perfect it bill was there. but he wasnt, and the losers felt like it was their fault.

"do yall really think bill is going to wake up tomorrow?" beverly asked.

everybody wanted to believe he would wake up, but it was highly unlikely he would.

"i think so, yeah." richie sounded serious, forcing himself to think bill would wake up.

eddie raised an eyebrow, everything felt so confusing nowadays. all he wanted was bill back, they all did.

"come on, ed-ster, lets head home." richie smiled. eddie didnt even care to correct richie and he nodded and grabbed the latter's hand, intertwining their fingers. they both said their goodbyes and moseyed on down the path to eddies house, where richie would be staying.

beverly said bye and walked home with ben.

soon there was just mike and stan. they walked along the sidewalk to mikes farm, just talking. mike liked talking to stan, he found comfort in stan. stan's sweet, caring, he always tried to be there for the other losers. thats what mike liked about him.

"i'll see you later, stan." mike waved and soon he was walking into his house. and than there was one.
stan walked home, his thoughts running a million miles per hour. what the fuck was going on?

|created on january 31st, 2018|
906 words
- sara

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