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stan and bill decided to tell their friends in person that they were dating, so they made plans to meet up at the quarry then go see a random movie. the boys were terribly worried, they knew their friends would be okay with it because no one was fully straight in their friend group.

so thats how they ended up here, waiting for the other 8 to head down. the two were holding hands and talking about how they were going to come out until the richard tozier decided to ruin it.


there was no one else with richie though, bill and stan were grateful.

"d-d-dont tell, t-thats what were guh-guh-gonna do." bill said, hushing richie who was obnoxiously screeching.

"sure thing big bill! aah hank owes me $10."

"wait, why?" stan asked, kind of confused.

" i said that yall would get hitched before school and bowers didnt agree, said it'd be in school."

bill blushed and reminded himself to pick on henry, but before he could say anything the other losers were already there.

"alright, why'd you invite us here?" mike asked, of course he knew the answer, but he thought it'd be best to not share.

"well, were dating!" stan said excitedly.

beverly smiled widely and ben went over and hugged the boys. eddie ran over to his best friend, bill, and squeezed the shit out of him, also whispering to him, "you little shit! why didnt you tell me first?" bill laughed and playfully pushed him away.

"congrats loser's." henry smiled while vic hugged them both, it was a bony hug, but no one minded.

everything was great. the 10 of them stayed at the quarry until the sun rose the next morning. they shared jokes and just talked randomly. while they talked music was playing in the background, nice cool music, richie and vic called it 'vibing music.'

when it got to 5am, the sky was beautiful. no one was sleeping, and no one wanted to. a couple hours later, the bowers gang was gone. the three said their goodbyes and made their way to amy, belch's car.

then it was just the 7, the lucky 7. stan wrapped his arm around bill, looking at how the sky reflected on his beautiful boyfriends face. the curly haired boy kissed his auburn haired boyfriends cheek and bill snuggled into the taller boy.

"pda." eddie mumbled, and that earned him a punch in the shoulder by bill.

eddie shot out an 'ow!' and punched bill's leg.

"alright alright, enough. no fighting today." ben, the mother, said. breaking up the "fight" between eddie and bill.

"i love you guys, but im so FUCKING tired. im going home." richie said, yawing and rubbing his eyes underneath this glasses.

"bye richie." the losers said, waving to their friend. richie rode off on his bike, screaming something.

the rest of the losers said their goodbyes and wondered home, then it was just the two.

"wanna go home?" stan asked and bill nodded, the couple walked to bill's house and cuddled in bill's bed, a show playing in the background.

what a great day.

|created march 1st, 2018|
538 words
- sara

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