Chapter 8- Trail Starts

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Chapter 8 – Trial Starts

A burning sensation in my throat grew, as I exhaled it felt like the air cutting the sides of my throat. A single drop of sweat traced its way around my cracked lips, I savoured it. Thick saliva lined the inside of my mouth immediately sapping any moisture that tried to enter.

My throat felt parched, I could feel the loose shirt start to cling to my chest in certain places. I felt as though my energy was constantly being drained out of me, like leaking electricity. It never ceased to amaze me that the muscles that were working so hard only seconds ago now struggled to hold my weight, but I need to move! I began to run up once again to try and spike.

Step, Step, jump and swing!

All I could hear was the background laughter of the seniors as I completely missed the ball. I could tell they all knew that this game was going to be quick. I looked at the score of 21-22. The other team was winning. Then I looked over to Anthony for an encouraging smile or expression but all I saw was a look of pure, dangerous focus. He hadn't given up so neither should I.

One more time!

"I knew you weren't fit to be the Captain," James said with a smirk looking at Anthony.

"Mr Ramsay surely making Anthony, the youngest member of the team, the captain was a huge mistake. He can't even win a simple practise game against me, why not just correct the mistake and give me the title?" He continued to Mr Ramsay.

For a moment there was silence on both sides as Mr Ramsay ignored James's obvious attempt to rile up our team.

Was Anthony captain? He's my age, how can he possible oversee all these seniors?

Anthony's concentration wasn't even fazed by the comment forcing James to chuckle it off as though it was a joke.

"Yo, new kid!" shouted one of the players who had been subbed off, as they ran onto the court, "Come off the court, you're being subbed off"

No! this can't be the end of my trial, it can't be! Give me a chance! I don't want to come off!

"Don't worry kid," He continued as he noticed the worried look on my face, "It's just for a while, use this time to gather your stamina and watch how we play but most importantly watch why we call Anthony, Captain"

I walked off the court and carefully watched the game. Anthony walked quietly towards the serving line. His expression was stone cold. He had a glaring look in his eyes and his lips became narrow and thin.

Was Anthony's family situation affecting him? Was I just that bad that he was angry? Had James gotten to him?

The starting whistle blew, but Anthony stood there with his head down for a moment. Then suddenly movement, as he threw the ball high into the air and ran full throttle towards it. Right before crossing the boundary line, he jumped with the same pose as the spiker I had seen earlier and swung! So much force! The ball blew past the opposition before they even realised it, landing in their court.

Service ace.

The game was back to even, 22–22! The clock was winding down, and the suspense was killing me. I wanted to get back on the court! This was the moment that could either make my day or break my school life.

"You're on," said Mr Ramsay gesturing for me to get back on the court.

I slowly walked onto the court once more knowing this could be my last chance. Clearly noticing my internal turmoil Anthony called me in for a quick talk.

"I've known you long enough to know that you're probably beating yourself up over those points," Anthony said with a stern controlling voice, "and you're right. It was 100% your fault."

"Wow, great pep talk captain," I responded.

"But..." he continued, "there's nothing you could have done about that. Like I said before spiking requires time, practice and a developed sense of timing, it could take up to months or years to learn. Don't focus on what you can't do, let's focus on what you can do."

"What can I do?" I responded.

"From what I've seen you have 2 key strengths. First, is your speed and agility, you have no stamina but you're fast at short distances. Second, was your jump, your timing may have been off, but the height of the jump was decent." He elaborated.

He had analysed all that while we were playing. He was incredible.

"How is any of that useful if I can't spike?" I questioned.

"As the decoy," Anthony responded.

"Decoy?" I asked.

"It's a player that creates a path for the other spikers by luring the blockers and receiver's attention away from the main spiker even if it's just for a second," Anthony continued.

"How am I supposed to do that?" I asked.

"All you need to do is run and jump," Anthony continued "Don't worry about anything else it's the setter's job to bring out the best in each player. It's my job. So, leave it to me and I'll make sure to use you as a decoy to the best of my ability."

Anthony expression hadn't changed. His usual warm smile had been replaced by a cold intense focus.

The whistle once again pierced through the air signifying the start of a serve. It was fast. The ball shot past me in a flash but luckily the more experience seniors were able to cover for me. The ball went high in the air, but its course was not on target as it was clearly heading out of bounds. Anthony didn't seem to think so.

"It's not over yet!" Anthony shouted as he leapt towards the ball getting ready for a set (a pass to the spiker).

Like Anthony said there isn't much I can do about the points I caused our team to lose before, but there is something I can do something about the ones that come now so I'm going to do what I can. Run and Jump!

I took a strong first step with my left then quickly stepped in with my right foot to build up speed. Swinging my arms back, I took another bold step with my left foot. I jumped explosively upwards while lifting both my legs, almost touching my back. Swinging my arms forward at the same time to extend my reach. I pulled back my right elbow, with my left hand stretched out near the ball to assist with the aim.

All I need to do is be the decoy. As long as one person on their team briefly focuses on me, I've done my job. Just one person.

But as I looked over the net, I saw no one. None of their players even acknowledged my existence. They didn't even deem me worthy of a glance. Anthony was in an awkward position that would impossible to set properly from.

I wish I could just be useful once!

The air suddenly became thick almost liquid. This feeling was familiar. It was the same way I felt when I dodged the snowball, but this was different... more intense. I slowly looked around and saw pulses of yellow lightning filling my surroundings. But what caught my eye wasn't the yellow lightning, it was Anthony. More specifically the ball he had set. Everything had slowed down once again, and I saw the ball was slowly making its way towards me! Wait... It was moving towards me!

What was he thinking! I hadn't been able to spike it once! But as I looked around, I realised he was off balance, he probably didn't have any other options.


That wasn't true. He could have just passed it over the net or calmly passed it to a good receiver to get it over the net, but he set it to me. He trusted me even though I messed up, I'm not going to let him down.

The ball was still approaching me. I can tell from its speed compared to everything else that it was coming at an incredible velocity. I needed to spike this one. I didn't want to be a burden to my team anymore. For that, I need the timing to be perfect.

Slower! Slower!! Slower!!!!

Pulses of yellow streaks of electricity intensified around me.


I rotated my arm at the shoulder and whipped my forearm forward.

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