(1) The Concert

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"Mom I'm leaving!" I yelled to my mom as I headed toward the door. Today me,Sadie,Caleb,Millie,Natalia,Charlie,and Joe are going to PUPs concert tonight. Finn is going to be onstage with them because he is in two of the songs they're performing tonight.
                           *time skip to Sadies house*
I just got to Sadies house. I have a huge crush on her but I don't wanna tell her because she's already dating Caleb. I envy Caleb he has the best girlfriend ever and gets to date her in two lives this life and his onscreen life as Lucas Sinclair on Stranger Things! I mean who wouldn't envy the guy. But he's my best friend and who can say they don't envy their best friend even just a little bit?
"Hey Gaten!" Sadie said Schnapping ( haha get it Schnapp-ing ) me out of my thoughts.
"Hey Sads!" I said showing of my smile with my teeth that just grew in.
"Nice teeth!" she joked laughing.
"Really? I'm glad I have my teeth it shows that my Cleidocranial Dysplasia is getting better!" I said laughing along with her.
"Then why are you laughing too?" she asked.
"Because it's hard not to around your laugh it's contagious" I said truthfully.
"Thanks Gaten!" She said giving me a hug.
"You're welcome Sadie!" I said hugging her back.
                          *time skip to Calebs house*
I knocked on Calebs door when we arrived. And it opened almost immidietly as if he'd been waiting for us to knock on his door.
"Hey guys-or guy and Sadie" he said.
"Hey Caleb!" me and Sadie said in unison.
"Woah what was that?!" Caleb asks us intreagued and freaked out at the same time.
"I don't know but...JINX!!" I said. She looked at me as if begging to unjinx her so I said "saaaailers like to fish you know!" I said to mess with she looked at me with longing eyes but I wouldn't budge so Caleb butted in " Come on dude unjinx Sadie!" he said.
"Dude don't say her name she'll get unjinxed!"
"Oh you mean don't say Sadies name as in Sadie Sink?" He said he just said her name two more times she's unjinxed.
"Yaaaaaaaaaassss thanks Caleb you're a life saver how was I supposed to sing along at the concert if I was jinxed?!?" She said relieved.
"I would've unjinxed you before then I swear!" I said and I wasn't lying either I was.
                             *time skip to concert*
I really like Gaten so I sat by him and Caleb, my boyfriend note the unamusement when I said 'my boyfriend'
"Omg this is my favorite song by PUP" I yelled.
"Mine too." Gaten yelled back.

                        ( Start song now please )

How many times have you lied to my face?
I can't confront you it's better that way
How many bulbs must I break
'Till all my filaments rust and decay?
And I can't explain anything anymore anyway

Now that you're gone I'll be back on my own
Giving it all up to leave you alone
I would come back soon
I never wanted too

How many times have I lied to you
If I was drunk when I said it, it might've been true

I know now that you're gone I'll be back on my own
Going it all up to leave you alone
And if I had my choice I would die by your love
I know it wasn't enough

                     ( one,two,three,four,five,six )

Why would you speak if you don't know?
Got a little self-righteous attitude

Now that you're gone i'll be back on my own
Felt her up, f**ked her up, left her alone
If I had it all in the palm of my hand
Don't even ask 'cause you won't understand

As the song died down the crowd went wild and Finn said into the mic that the concert was over and thanked everyone for coming.
"That was awesome" I said to Caleb as we went backstage to meet up with Finn.
"I know right totally tubular" he laughed at his reference to the show as did everyone else.
"Hey guys did you like the concert" Finn said as he approached the laughing cast of his show.
Yea it was awesome you really know how to scream words into a mic in a rhythm." I joked. We all laughed at my comment.
"I know it's a gift." He said with fake sincerity while clutching his heart.
A/N Hey guys so here is the first real chapter of Gadie:Wishes do come true. I hope you loved it as much as me it is about to be 4AM so I'm sorry to say I'm ending it here but I am and I wish I could keep going but a girls gotta sleep alright bye, lovers❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😴😴😴

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