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Piper stares at Jason, mouth dropped open. "You expect me to believe that my best friend would lie about something so stupid? You really are out of it Jason." Piper turns around to walk away. Jason grabs her shoulder. "Go and be with your girlfriend Jason Grace, it was nice knowing you."

Piper walks back to the fire pit. She was too lovesick, too out of it. She wasn't thinking straight. What was she thinking? She never loved Jason, she just thought he loved her and she liked the idea of that. Leo joined her on a bench near the lake.

"Hey Piper, I saw you with Jason, is everything alright?" I look at him a few tears escape my eyes. He hugs me softly. I hold onto him.

"You are going to shave that wannabe beard right?" Leo laughs and plays with Piper's hair. "Thank you Leo, thank you for being such a wonderful person for me, I love you"

Jiper/Pileo ~ Rocky RoadsWhere stories live. Discover now