chapter thirty-five -:- the story of our life

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One week later...

Today was the big day.

Today was the day that the Kordei-Hasen name legally gained a new member, and Lauren spent all week preparing for it.

Currently Lauren stood before the full-length mirror in her mamas room. She was dressed in a nice blue sundress that matched her sisters (though Camila's was yellow and Ally's was purple). Clutched in her hand was a piece of paper littered with her messy scrawl. The letters varying in colour all spelled the same name many times.

Lauren Michelle Kordei-Hansen.

Every day she sat and wrote her name on the well-used page. Every time she'd mess up she'd scribble the name out and draw some pretty flowers around it (because even mistakes are beautiful) before finding more empty space to write the name in.

Now, within the page in her hand, there was approximately 80 varying penmanship styles of Lauren's long name. And she was proud of each and every one of them.

"Time to go, bug," Dinah said, standing at the door of the room with Camila on her hip as the little one clutched her Elmo to her chest.

"One more time," Lauren said, pointing to the mirror that she 'practicing' with.

"Alright, once more," Dinah agreed, leaning on the door frame as she pulled up her phone to secretly record Lauren.

"My name is Lauren Michelle Kordei-Hansen, and I am here to get adopted."


"You guys excited?" Demi asked, looking mainly to Lauren who was playing with Ally a hand game as they patiently waited for their case to get called.

"Yeah," Lauren said with an eager nod. "My family is gonna be mine forever."

"I'm gonna have three forever sisters now," Ally said, also very excited, which caused her to lose focus for a split second and lose the thumb war. "Oh man," the seven-year-old groaned, feeling defeated after losing for a fourth time.

"Shouldn't have been distracted," Lauren said with a cheeky grin, making her sister scrunch her nose at her but laugh nonetheless.

"Judge Freeman will see you now," a man said, motioning for the group to follow as he led them to the large courtroom doors.

"Let's get you adopted Miss Lauren," Dinah said, lifting her daughter onto her hip and heading inside the courtroom.

Judge Freeman greeted the group warmly, remembering them fondly from a few months back.

"I'm so very pleased to be apart of another adoption with your family," Judge Freeman said, opening the file of Lauren.

"We requested for you specifically," Normani said honestly. "You made Camila's adoption so special and we want the same to be said for our Lauren."

"Well, I'm honoured," the man said, bowing his head in thanks. "Shall we get started?"

"Please," the mothers said in unison.

Judge Freeman laughed before swearing the family in and going over all of the legal stuff.

Just like Camila's adoption, once he went over the formal orders Judge Freeman relaxed back in his seat and spoke to the family with genuine interest.

"If I recall correctly, you said that you wanted happiness for your daughters."

"That's correct," Normani said, nodding her head.

"I'm sure this still applies?"

Again, a nod.

"Well then, why don't you tell me what it is you want from me today?" Judge Freeman said, opening the floor for the women to say anything regarding the adoption.

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