3 || caution

19 1 0

I was shaken. So shaken up by my first period. I had to put it like that... The tugging in my chest hadn't calmed down since he'd left, like it was beckoning me to a certain point. I closed my eyes to clear my head, mad the green rimmed eyes seeming to follow suit. I made my way to language arts class, quietly slipping into the middle seat once I got there.

I looked to my right, preparing to greet the being situated next to me. ( im kind of a brainiac so sorry) . It was a girl, with blue lavender dyed hair and grey eyes. I leaned to tap her shoulder and waited for her to bring her attention to my presence.

"Hello...you seem like an interesting but lovable character, so I'd quite like to know you better." I said with a hopefully inviting smile.

She turned and looked me up and down, causing me to self consciously stroke my platinum blonde hair and blink at her. Twice in fact.

A small smile stretched across her flawless face as she proceeded to start up a conversation.

"Hi. Marjory. My last name, you don't need to know, hee." She said, beginning to giggle. She seemed like a nice person. As she laughed I noticed her perfectly straight and white teeth. I suddenly smiled and began laughing. Her giddiness was contagious.

I immediately loved her, she was so whimsical.

"Hey I really love your face." She said.

I shrunk in my seat, blushing and was about to thank her, because no one ever complemented my darkish skin with platinum blonde combination of features.

"YOURE SHY OH GODD YOUR TOO FRIKKIN CUTE DUDE." She suddenly screamed, making me jump.

"So whys your hair and skin so different from the traditional combination?" She said, seemingly interested in where I came from, which never usually happened.

"My moms white, and my dad is. Black but he has mixed hair and my mom has white skin but black hair" I explained as she leaned over, twirling my platinum locks over the fingers.

"You're like one of a kind...what's your name sweetheart?" I was used to this. People found me cute and treated me like one would treat a puppy.

" Miracle Waller..." I squeaked out, gently tugging my shoulder length hair from her grasp.

"Wow...you're so interesting" she said, her grey eyes smiling.

This, was new. Cute, cool, calm, smart, curvy, even. Ugly even! But never unique or interesting. I wondered, for maybe the rest of the class of for 5 minutes, if this was my new beggining.


After Class


I didnt know whetyer to seach for him or try to stay as far away from him as possible. I wandered down the hallways, keeping a keen eye for my next classroom. Once i located it, i walked in, some kind of force pushing my hood up onto my head. I once again felt the tugging sesation in my chest, making the tempurature in the room drop. i froze in my spot, contemplating on whether to turn and confront him, because I just knew it was him, or go on my way.

I decided to just march over to the seats in the back of the room, settling next to a blonde boy with cobalt blue eyes and a seemingly kind smile.

" You can't run from me, sweetheart." His gruff, suburban British voice piped up behind me.

I just can't escape this boy, can I?


( • • )
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Okay, so this was a bit of a filler, just to demonstrate and introduce the characters that will be here throughout the book without fail unless I decide to kill one off ^.^

Jk, but for real. Okay, hope you liked this chapter :). Thanks to all who have started reading I really love you a lot okay :)

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