Chapter 4: Twiggles

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The wind was stronger than it usually was, small raindrops falling from the light grey sky. Even if it was only small raindrops, they were coming at a rapid speed, turning everything soaking wet.
One owl flew through these hinders in her way to her destination. The reddish brown feathers that covered her were now a darker shade of red, sticking to her body like glue.
The only things that weren't that wet, were two letters.

"Fred, George! Can you get your father down here, dinner is ready!" Molly Weasley shouted to her two twin children, who were sitting in the living room and doing merlin knows what.
"Sure mom!" The twins shouted back in unison as they quite what they were doing.
Fred was the first one up the stairs, George following him close behind. The twins went up to their fathers room, where he was working on stuff for his job.
"Mom said that-" "-dinner is ready!" George and Fred shouted through the door before racing down again, this time George going first and Fred behind him.

As all four were seated at the dinner table, Fred, George, Molly and Arthur, they started to eat.

Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Harry and Hermione were all staying at the burrow. All for different reasons.
Fred and George stayed 'cause they wanted to help their parents.
Ron and Hermione stayed 'cause they needed a place to stay before moving in together in their own house, since they were dating.
And last, Harry and Ginny were staying 'cause they liked it there.

Molly had been very happy that three of her sons, and only daughter, decided to stay with her. But she cursed herself every time her children 'forgot' to use a silence charm during 'fun time'.
And on top of that, the twins had now befriended a death eater, a Malfoy death eater.

Molly had cooked an incredible meal once again, and the family were happily eating it with a big appetite.
"How's the shop going?" Molly asked Fred and George as she took another portion of the food.
Fred gave her a thumbs up and continued eating, not very aware of what she had asked. George rolled his eyes and stopped eating.
"Well, it's going alright but someone accidentally broke a shelf and all of the products on it." George answered, glaring playfully at Fred when he said 'someone'.

Fred looked up at him and put his hands up in defence. "I was tired and needed to lean on something. It isn't my fault that you forgot to make the shelf steady!" He said in a playful but defensive voice.
George laughed a little at that. "Fred, it was your job to make the shelves steady, not mine." George said before laughing a little more at the confused face his twin was making. Arthur laughed at the two of them. "At least I can be sure you're Molly's kid as lazy as you are." Arthur said to Fred, gaining a glare from Molly and George rolling his eyes at the irony of it.

"Oh Honey, your memory gets worse each day. Do you not remember that you're Arthur and I'm Molly." Molly said smugly to her husband.

Arthur was going to protest but got cut off by a knock on the window.
"Twiggles is back!" George and Fred yelped out as they stood up and opened the window, rain pouring in landing on the worn out carpet. The red brown owl flew into the room landing on the table. Fred walked over to Twiggles while George closed the window.
"Let's see, one for Mom and one for us!" Fred said handing Molly one letter and keeping the other.
Molly looked at the letter and smiled without realizing it.

Arthur sat in his chair and stared at them all. "Who's the letters from?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.
"It's from Fred and George's new friend." Molly answered with a bit of hesitation. Arthur looked at the twins and smiled. "So who's the new friend?" He asked them. Before Arthur could get an answer the twins were already sprinting up to their shared room, Fred holding the letter in his hand.

When they were sitting down in their room they proceeded to open the letter from Draco. The signature D.M. was written on it.


I'm really happy that you decided to write to me. I can't express how it made me feel. Well I'm happy at least one of you decided to write to me, the other one just reading what you write.

Twiggles is a beautiful name! Where did you get the name from? I think it's the first time I have seen a 'Twiggles'. And Ron hasn't been that bad to me, Potter is a whole new story though. I think I'll maybe give them to him instead. Can I?

And I've had a, Great time at Hogwarts this far, note the sarcasm.
I am the only Slytherin that showed up for an Eight year, and I don't have friends in any other house or year.
Well, I guess Luna is kinda my friend? She's nice, and a bit weird. But that is what makes her herself.

By the way how is it at the Burrow? Are you two the only gingers there except Molly and Arthur? Maybe, maybe I can come and visit? No, that would be social suicide.. ahaha

-Love Draco

When the twins finished reading it they smiled to each other and started writing a letter in return.
This time, Fred didn't just watch his brother, he helped him too. After a while their letter was done and ready to be sent.

"Um, George maybe we should wait until the rain stops?!" Fred said as he saw George walk over to Twiggles with the well written letter.
George stopped and frowned. "But I want to get a reply from him as soon as possible!" He said turning a little red when he comprehended what he had said.

"Yeah I want that too, but I don't want Twiggles to fly out in the rain, again." Fred said with a serious voice that was very rare for him.
George groaned in protest but put the letter down on his desk. "Fine.." he mumbled out.

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