Chapter 7: blood faced mistake

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Draco sneaked around in the corridor he had walked into, his shoes had made to much noise so he had dumped them outside of the room that the two death eaters were now in.
Sneaking around in the quiet corridor Draco shuddered, the floor was extremely cold out here.

He stopped before a wooden door, painted white, that had the words 'Poelo J.' written on it. He continued and saw another door not far from the first one with the words 'Kevin H.' Draco looked down the corridor and saw a lot of these white doors. 'Ylva J.' 'Oliv A.' 'Meralda L.' 'Geshelt F.' 'Ulrik S.' 'Ettitilous V.' and more. It was only one door that made Draco freeze, made him remember, made him realize. 'Fenrir G.' was carved into one of the doors, a horrible smell rolling off of it. 

Draco was frozen to the spot, he shuddered and begged quietly that the death eaters weren't in their rooms. He could only imagine what would happen if one of them found him! He needed to get out. A Thud from one of the doors has Draco jumping in surprise. He turned towards the sound and sneaked up to the door where it had come from. The door with 'Ettitilous V.' written on it was the source. He stood next to it pulling out the wand he had taken. The knife wound in his shoulder hurt like hell and the most likely broken nose didn't help either. He pulled the wand to his chest and took long deep breaths, muffled voices being heard from behind the door, coming closer and closer.

Draco had learnt from last time so he put his foot up to stop the door when it would open, not wanting to hurt his nose anymore then it already was. Taking a last deep breath he kept his eyes wide open, preparing himself. 

When the door opened Draco kicked it back with all his strength. He jumped in front of the door and knocked the first person he could see out with his elbow, the next he cast a Stupefy at. The first one had been a black haired guy with tanned skin and the second had brown hair, from what Draco could see he also had a birthmark on his forehead. Draco knelt down next to the second one and took the cloak they had around their shoulder, the Death eater glaring at him through it and ... smirking? Draco didn't have time to think anything before he was tackled to the ground by a third person he hadn't noticed. 

A hard punch to Draco's ribs had him gasping for air, he barely managed to open his eyes to see who it was. On top of him was the only Death eater he knew who they were, the blue eyes of Fenrir stared down at him, a sickening smirk painted across the werewolf's face. Draco raised the wand only to have it knocked away followed up by a punch to his eye. Draco screamed out when the fist collided with his face, struggling under the older man. 

More punches were delivered to Draco's face and upper body, the boy gasping and screaming in pain, struggling the best he could. It was only when Draco felt the werewolf's teeth on his throat that he managed to free a leg. Before Fenrir would be able to rip his throat open Draco kicked with all of his might at Fenrir's crotch. 

The werewolf howled in pain, letting go of the blonde. Draco leapt to his feet, sprinting towards an open fireplace he had noticed. Seeing a bowl with floo powder he took some and ran to stand in the fireplace. He all if not screamed out "Diagon Alley!" leaving the three Death eaters alone. 


Draco tripped out of the floo network, stumbling over the too big cloak he was wearing to cover himself. He had managed to stay standing but a lot of blood was dripping all over the floor. His face was bloodied up and his nose was in an unnatural direction. He pulled the cloak more over his face and quickly made his way through the crowd, not wanting to be caught walking around there. His feet hurt since he still didn't have shoes on.

Draco managed to make his way to Weasleys wizard wheezes without getting stopped on the way there. He stumbled his way into the packed shop and scanned it for the twins, seeing them on the middle of the stairs. Making his way over to them he saw that they were talking to someone. Not wanting to interrupt he stood still some steps below them waiting for the customer to walk away. unknown to Draco blood was slowly dripping down, forming a puddle on the stairs and staining his cloak. 

A woman walking past him stopped when she saw the blood, she shrieked gaining the attention of the other customers. Their eyes traveled to the hooded figure covered in blood, not the most innocent look, some drawing their wand at the stranger. Draco panicked and rushed up the last steps to the twins, pulling the cloak up enough for only them to see who he was. They gasped at his face. 

Fred grabbed Draco by his arm giving George a look before dragging Draco up the stairs. George looked to the customers and put his arms up to gain their attention. "We're going to close a little earlier today! Everyone. out. " He announced before rushing up after his twin. 

Fred had dragged Draco into the twins bedroom above the shop, making the blonde sit down on George's bed. He had removed Draco's cloak and was helping him out of his school robe when George entered with some water, bandage and some other things to clean the wounds. He sat down next to the two setting the things down on the floor. George took Draco's face into his hands and took out his wand. He pointed it towards the broken nose and cast a healing spell, fixing it, Draco blushing at the feel of the others hand on his face. 

The twins spent a good half hour fixing Draco up again before they were satisfied with their work. After they set all the things aside the twins both pulled Draco into a tight hug, making the blonde blush once more.

"You have some -" "- explaining to do." They said looking down at the younger kid.

Draco looked away and whispered, "Yeah ..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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