Chapter 6: Death Eaters?

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[[Sorry for the lack of updating I have done. Here's a valid and good excuse

But seriously I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while

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But seriously I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while. I love this story

 I love this story AND

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Here we go!]]

Sometimes Draco wished he wasn't so smart, of course this couldn't be the doing of Potter, that a Death eater did this was more likely. He shivered as he helplessly looked around the room once again.
'I wonder if this Is how Hufflepuffs feel all the time.' Draco though to himself, trying to joke his way into a sober mind again, surprisingly it did work. Draco calmed down by saying such a Malfoy-ish thing, remembering to have heard and said stuff like that for ages. Though even if his mind sobered up he also got reminded of his dead parents.

His fathers death couldn't have been stopped, he had been bound to die. That didn't mean though that his mother's death couldn't have been stopped. He's still haunted by the scene of his mother's corpse.

Draco slowly tried standing up, wincing thanks to the wound he had. Looking at his shoulder he saw the result of a knife being thrust into it, or at least something sharp.

After a while he was successfully free from all ropes that had been lazily made to keep him from running. Whoever these people were they weren't so bright, scary? Yes, but bright in the head, not so much. Again, Definitely death eaters.

Draco braced himself before stalking forward to the heavy looking door, covered in merlin knows what. He leaned against the wall next to it with a sigh. He let his eyes travel around the room again, calculating what he would need to do to get out, his eyes landing on something shimmery. 'Metal?' Draco thought as he walked up to it.

Crouching down next to it he took the shiny object up from the floor. It was an old pocket knife, very sharp either way thanks to the use of magic.
Draco felt the blade over with his thumb, a small line of blood confirmed that the knife was as sharp as he had thought.
Taking the knife he stuffed it into his pocket, feeling the candies Fred and George had given him. 'Those can help me too right now.. somehow..'

Draco walked back to the place next to the door and quickly thought up a plan. Hopefully it wouldn't be to long before someone returned.


"We got him, luckily for miss Jorgald it wasn't too hard." A brown haired middle aged man informed another man, who was sitting in front of them. This man being their leader of sort, even if most of them didn't approve of him yet.
"Shut your mouth Kevin, we both know I could have done it even if it was harder and how many times have I told you to call me by my first name!?" A blonde woman with striking blue eyes answered quickly and angrily.

"Whoa, calm your tits, Ylva! You don't need to get all defensive and stuff." Kevin said in a much calmer voice.
Ylva glared at Kevin her eyes digging into the pit of his soul, or that's what Kevin would have described it as at least. Ylva ignored him after that and told the other man everything they had done, in her fast and high pitched voice.

The leader hummed his approval and excused them with a wave of his hand. "You did a decent job Ylva, you both may bring him here in 10 minutes, be on time." Was the last words the pair got from him before leaving.


'Think think think THINK! What should I do, I can't fight them, maybe?" Draco's line of thoughts stopped when he heard footsteps coming towards his room, then started again but this time even faster. "They expect me to be tied down, maybe I can hide next to the door and stab them- But no what if they're more than one, I can't fight more than one! I can't even fight ONE! Merlin this is really how Hufflepuffs must feel!" During these thoughts Draco moved so he was standing next to the door, knife in hand, panicking like crazy.
As the footsteps came closer he could hear that it was two pairs of feet and not one like he had been hoping for.

Gulping Draco tried standing still and to concentrate on how he was going to do this.

He didn't have much time it turned out as in the next second the door flung open slamming into him, followed by his nose making an awful cracking noise.
Draco tried ignoring the pain and jumped past the door and towards the unlucky person who had opened the door. The knife Draco was holding sunk into the collarbone of a blonde girl, which let out a high pitched scream. Draco pulled it out, put a hand on her shoulder and thrust it into her stomach making her scream even higher.


Draco went flying backwards, hitting his head on the floor. He had landed on the ropes which had been tied around him moments ago. An idea struck him and he took the rope.
Draco stood up and threw himself at the man who had cast the spell, he had been trying to help the blonde girl up. Swiftly taking the rope around the mans neck he took a grip on the opposite ending and pulled, effectively chocking the man, his right foot coming up to rest on the mans back.

Draco felt sick to the stomach when he watched the man struggle for air but a mad part of him wanted to smirk at the dying man. Without people like them, death Eaters, both Lucius and 'cissy would have been alive. He would have had both his parents with him.

Deciding it was enough when the man seemed to fall unconscious Draco stood up and took his wand, leaving the girl who was trying to crawl to the man.
Draco made sure to close the door when he left, feeling his heart racing faster than ever.

"That went better than expected"

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