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Screams of pain echoed through the halls of the castle as the Queen had her child. This would be the thirteenth child she had given birth since she had become Queen, she already had six sons and six daughters. But as she gave birth to her last child she knew that this one would be different from the rest in a way none could predict. The sister and bothers of the new child waited impatiently to find out whether it would be a boy or girl, but they knew that they would protect the child with their lives. Hours later the midwife came out with a smile on her face, "Somebody get the King. The baby is a girl, the Queen had a baby girl!" The eldest son took off running for the King not caring if the midwife was asking a servant. Minutes later the King and eldest came running down the hall, the King was the first to enter then after him followed the sons and daughter wanting to see the new princess. First, the saw their mother looking exhausted, then they saw the small baby in her arms, dark hairs already on the small head. The baby was letting out small cries, "This Princess Christina of Crystal Grove, daughter of Queen Clarissa and King Quinten, and the youngest of my thirteen children." The Queen says handing the child to her father.

"That's a long title," Felix the eldest son says smiling at the small form in his father's arms. They had all taken on the likeness of their father blond hair and grey eyes, but as the baby opened her eyes to look at her eldest brother he knew she was going to look just her mother, with those bright blue eyes. The little baby let out a laugh as she was passed to her brother.

"Hi there little one I'm Felix, your biggest brother and I'm going to protect you... we all are," he said.


Now if you will bear with me as I go through the thirteen names of the children born the King Quinten and Queen Clarissa and where they were born.

Firstborn is Princess Octavia of Darkwood

The second born is Prince Felix of Darkwood twin brother of Octavia

The third born is Prince Curtis of Lightedge

The fourth born is Prince Oliver of Brightway

The fifth born is Princess Jane of Bluegate

The sixth born is Prince Louis of Blue gate for he was born a year after

The seventh born is Princess Zara of Waymoor

The eighth born is Princess Blair of Crystal falls

Ninth born is Prince Victor of Brightshore

The tenth born is Princess Olympia of Pinebridge

The eleventh born is Prince Asher of Prycastle

Twelfth Princess Cordelia of Winterhollow

Thirteenth Princess Christina of Crystal Grove

Now as the years passed Christina grew up in her father's palace with her mother and twelve siblings, everything was going great till horror struck the palace. Christina was in the nursery with her mother happily playing with her toys while her mother sat nearby reading to herself. This was one of the rare moments the Queen got to spend time with her child all though Christina was a very independent child she preferred to spend time on her own. Suddenly an older maid came running in slamming the door behind her and bolting it shut. She was breathing heavily, usually loving brown eyes were filled with fear, "Grace what is wrong." The Queen asks her maid standing up.

"Hide the Princess they're coming!" She says grabbing a sword from inside a hidden panel. The Queen grabbed her daughter and put her in the back of a closet, the Queen laid her dagger that had been in their family for generation next to her daughter who was barely 2 years old. She locked the closet door and grabbed the sword from her maid as the banging got louder from the other side of the door.

"We won't go down without a fight," the Queen said raising the sword.

"Open the door Grace," the Queen said.


24 hours later

The King and his guards rushed into the nursery with his knights to find four unconscious men, weapons lying by their side. But his wife and daughter were nowhere to be found, the King threw open every closet. Finally, they came to a closet that was locked, "Quiet, listen." One of the King's knights said putting his ear up to the door, they all went silent. And there it could be heard beyond the door the crying of a small child.

"Get this door open now!" The King shouted, his men forced the door open to find the two-year-old girl in the back of the closet and the Queen's dagger. King Quinten reached in for his daughter, he pulled her out checking to make sure that she was okay.

"Find Clarissa and don't stop till you do," King Quinten command his men. They searched the abandoned castle and it's grounds, finding no one, not the Queen or a servant. The King left the small castle knowing that he would never know what happened to his wife, but he did know that he was going to protect their baby girl.


Hey there readers, I hope you can bear with me on this story, it will start out pretty slow but it will get more interesting as the story goes on. I will try to update regularly as much as I can.

I love writing and I feel that God has given me this gift so that I can reach out to others through my stories. There will be some scriptures from the Bible put in here and their meanings, I guess. I'm not 100% sure yet what this story will contain yet.

Please review and tell me what you think.


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