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Christina P.O.V. 

I pick up the journal that Zach had brought down for me a few days ago after I woke up. I pick up my pen and open the blank journal.

Entry one

Not much happens in this little room I have been moved to. It is just down the hall fgwrom my sisters, Zara says she wants to keep the peace between Octavia and me. It is lonely here but Scarlet tries to keep me company when she isn't working or training with Zach. I can no longer see the courtyard where the knights train so I can't even watch the boys train or take notes. I've been confined to my bed, the nurse says that I am not strong enough yet. But I feel completely fine. 

Zach hasn't found any time to teach me anything yet but I read the Bible when the Governance isn't quizzing me. It's not like I'll forget it in a matter of days, I've been learning this stuff before I could walk. Well, I must go Governance has another lesson for me.  

Entry two

It has been a few days since I last wrote the nurse said that I was free to walk the castle but I was not allowed to leave. All the guards have been notified that I was not to leave the castle no matter what I might say. With the hooded man still out there guard shifts were doubled and no one but my sisters and their guards were allowed to leave on their trips to town. But that didn't stop me from having a little fun with the maids and knights. Let's just say they're really going to regret keeping me locked up in this castle. Which reminds me Zach sent me a note telling me to meet him in the stables tonight. I wonder what he could want.

Entry three

You would not believe me if I told you what has happened in the past three weeks since I last wrote. That note that Zach sent me in my last entry was so he could show me a verse he found in James. One of the many books of the Bible. Let's see it was... 

James 1:2-3

'Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.'

And there was another one.

James 1:19

'My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger,'

To me, they are good reminders and things I need to work on. And after we studied James for an hour Zach started to teach me how to handle a sword. It was pretty fun actually but then we had to clean up the stables after we spooked the horses causing them to run around the courtyard.

After that, we went to the kitchen to grab an evening snack. But then Octavia came in so Zach and I went through the secret passage in the kitchen floor which ended with us in the servant's rooms. Luckily no one was in there so we went through the passageway in the rooms that led to the great hall right outside my new room. After that, we parted and went our ways. Zach started to walk away as I entered my room, I looked at him one last time for the day only to find that he was looking back at me. We both quickly looked away, but I couldn't help wonder why he was looking back at me.

Entry four

It has been almost three months since I last wrote, it is May 1st which means it is almost time for my sisters to leave for father's palace. But for once I am looking forward to summer after all I have three new friends. Zach, Jasper, and Carter are very quick learners when it comes to fighting and I think I am too. Scarlet and I have started to train together I can take her down when we spar, I even almost beat Jasper. Though I think he was going easy on me. 

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