Great fucking news

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Ashley's pov

I walked away from chip and dale after getting the picture with them. So cute! I can't wait for them to send the picture to me.

I took out my phone and looked at the time. Oh my god it's almost time to go see if I got the job! I started running to where the list is waiting my Arrival. But what if I don't get it? Maybe I shouldn't have tried to do this.. I'm scared of humiliation.

I slow down as I get to the building with the sheet next to the entrance. Where girls were lined up to see if they got the roll they wanted I step in line as it is moving pretty fast now.

I am so nervous. I can't even imagine how embarrassing it would be if I didn't succeed. What If I'm not as good as I thought I was? What if my mum told me lies about me being decent at acting/singing? I don't know what I would do. Making a fool out of myself in front of those people? I hate this.

I finally got to the front of the line, my eyes scan the list from my name, and to my surprise it actually comes up! I'm   Rupunzles understudy and Wendys understudy. This is great! Ironically this two movies are my favorite disney movies! Oh my god this is not happening.

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