~Aarmau 1~

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It's a bright, snowy January morning, Aphmau and Aaron are just waking up.
"Aaron!! It snowed!!" Aph squeals.
"I noticed.." Aaron yawned stretching out, Aphmau however ran towards the window.
"Oh it's so pretty! Aaron I wanna go play in it please!?!"
"Relax babe, we still need to eat breakfast.. and I still need to shovel.."
She hung her head for a moment, then looked up with hopeful eyes.
"I know! How about you start shoveling and I make waffles!? Then you can eat when your done then we can go play!!"
Aaron got out of bed, and walked to the closet to get dressed "Fine, if it'll keep you happy."
"YAY!!" Aph ran to him, hugging him and kissing his cheek "Your the best boyfriend in the whole world you know that??"
Aaron just laughs and kisses her head, and continues to get dressed as Aph goes down to start cooking.
Soon Aaron is outside, shoveling away at the driveway, and Aph is making waffles in the kitchen. Aph goes to let celestia outside when she gets an idea, she quickly finishes the last waffle and runs upstairs to get dressed.
"He'll never see it coming." She giggles to herself. Once she's dressed she walks over to the window and silently opens it, stepping out onto the roof of the house. She grabs a handful of snow and packs it into a perfect snowball, she takes aim at Aaron's back, and fires away, pelting him square in the back.
"Oof.. What the heck...?" Aaron looks up to the roof where Aph is laughing her butt off.
"Hahahaha I got you!!! You didn't even see it coming!!"
"Grrrr. So that's how you want to play?" Aaron says as he picks up a handful of snow, packing it.
"Bring it tough guy!!" Aph yells sticking tongue out, ducking just in time as the ball went past her head.
"HA! You missed!!" She grabs two snowballs and throws them at him both missing.
Aaron throws another balling, hitting Aph in the shoulder. "HEY NO FAI----- AAAAH!!!" She slips, sliding to the edge of the roof.
"APH!!" Aaron yells running, just in time to catch her before she hit the ground.
"Thanks..." she looks up at him, fear in her eyes.
"Your lucky... If I wasn't here..."
"Let's not think about that.. Breakfast is ready.." she starts to lean in for a kiss, as does Aaron, but before their lips meet, Aaron drops her into a snowbank.
"Great! I'm starving." Aaron laughs
"Bleck! Hey no fair!!" She grabs his arms pulling him into her, where they finally kiss.

~The End~

Aarmau OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now