~Aarmau 27~

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"Alright class please open your book to page 145." Mr. Lycan instructs, Alina opens her book up and just watches him intently.
"Alina are you alright dear?" Alina snaps out of her daydream and sighs
"Yes sir..." Aaron nods and continues his lesson, Alina going straight back to her thoughts.
"M-Mom..." Alina whispers as she watches Aphmau give Aaron a sweet kiss.
"I love you..."
"I love you too Aph." Aaron says as he hugs her tightly.
"I won't let anyone hurt you... Not like Ein did..." He assures her.
"Sh-she told him... That was our secret mom..." Alina days to herself.
"You should come over for dinner on Friday, it's pizza night! Then you can talk to Alina." Aaron kisses her forehead and smiles.
"I'd love too dear."
"Alina class is over?" Mr Lycan says in a calm voice, she nods and starts to gather her things.
"Have a good weekend." He says nicely, Alina nods and mutters a 'you too' before exiting the class.

"M-Mom..." Aphmau looks over at her daughter and raises an eyebrow.
"There's only two of us... What's with the third plate...?" Alina already knew the answer to her question but decided to ask anyways.
"Well uh..." A knock on the door interrupts the two and Aphmau smiles.
"It's open!" Alina sinks into her chair and Aaron steps in. She notices that he was still in his school attire, dress pants and a tucked in polo.
"Aaron!" Aphmau hugs him tightly and he hugs back.
"How was work??" She asks as he leads her back to the stove.
"Good, went back to the music room and our engravment is still there." He says proudly.
"Awe! " She kisses his cheek and Alina clears her throat.
"Excuse me...?" The two look over at her and Aph blushes.
"U-uh this is Aaron Lyca-"
"My math teacher. Why is he here though???" Alina says interrupting her.
"We... Started dating..." Alina frowns and sits back at the table.
"That's... Nice..."

*A few weeks later*

"Aaron will take you home since I have to drive down state for work okay?" Alina nods and sighs.
"Hey... I know you aren't very fond of him but he's a good person... He makes me happy..." Alina hugs her mother and Aphmau smiles.
"Now go slay that math test!" Alina nods and runs out to the bus.
"She's gone!" Aaron steps out of Aphmau's bedroom and smirks.
"You didn't want her knowing I spent the night?" Aphmau sighs and Aaron walks over to her gently.
"She's not fond of you..." Aaron nods and pins Aphmau to the wall.
"I'll keep trying." He presses his lips into hers softly and she happily kisses back.
"Have a good day at work babe." Aphmau kisses his cheek and grabs her purse.
"Have a good day off Aaron, you've earned it!"

"Alina please report to the office you're being signed out." Mr. Lycan's sub says.
"Oh... Alright...?" She steps into the office to find Aaron looking stressed tired and hurt.
"A-Aaron...?" He turns to her and immedietly drops to his knees hugging her.
"Your mom's in the hospital... A car hit her..."

"Mom!" She small girl hugs her mother tight and Aaron just sits in the corner.
"Mom... I love you so much...." Aphmau rubs her thumb over Alina's cheek and smiles.
"I love you with all my heart dear." Alina smiles and Aphmau waves Aaron over.
"Hey..." Aaron kisses her hand and Alina looks into his eyes.
"I love you so much Aph..." He says softly.
"I love you too..." Alina sees the love in his eyes and smiles.
"Alina... D-do you mind if Aaron stays over... To take care of you...?" Alina nods and Aaron gives her a surprised look.
"Anything for you Mom..."

"Thanks..." Alina whispers as Aaron places a piece of pizza in front of her.
"So... What do you want to do...?" Aaron asks cautiously.
"Usually me and Mom play games on Friday nights..." Aaron thinks for a moment and smiles.
"Wanna go see a movie?" Alina squeals and nods.
"I haven't seen a movie in years!" Aaron raises and eyebrow and Alina takes a bite of her food.
"M-money's tight when you're a single parent serving two mom says..." Aaron nods and takes care of both of their plates.
"Well I can take you to go see one, then when your mom's all better I can take both of you." Alina smiles and jumps up to hug Aaron.

"That was amazing!" Alina exclaims as she exits Aaron's car.
"Oh wait till you watch the sequel coming out in a few years."
"A sequel! Yes! M-Maybe we can go see it together..." Aaron blushes and nods.
"I'm gonna go to bed dad..." Aaron turns red and is at a loss for words but realizes she doesn't know what she said.
"Alright Alina, goodnight!"
"Night!" Aaron picks up his phone as soon as Alina disappears and calls Aphmau.
"Aaron..." He smiles at her tired voice and sits down on the couch.
"Hey babe, how are you doing?" He can hear Aphmau shuffling in the background and chuckles.
"Better... I'll be home in a few days..." Aaron smiles and sits back.
"Alina called me dad"
"Seriously! That's awesome!" Aphmau giggles which makes Aaron's heart melt.
"I uh... Took her to see a movie... And she's pretty confident I'll be around for the sequel..." Aphmau lays back and let's out a sigh of relief.
"I hope she accepts me fully... You know... We dated in school... Then in college... Then we met up and I may or may not have gotten you pregnant and then you hooked up with the devil." Aphmau giggles and Aaron chuckles.
"Shhh! She can't know you're her dad yet Aaron."

*A few days later*

"Alright homework is due Wednesday." Aaron says and everyone packs up their things and exits as the bell rings.
"Aaron?" Alina whispers, he looks over to see only Alina left in his classroom and smiles.
"Yes dear?" Alina fidgets with her fingers and avoids eye contact.
"I-i heard you on the phone with Mom the other day... E-Ein's not my dad...?" Aaron sighs and nods.
"I'm your real father... And I don't regret a single thing either." Alina smiles and Aaron walks over to her.
"I love you with all my heart, just like your mom, and I won't let anything happen to you two." Alina wipes her eyes of tears and hugs Aaron tight.
"I love you Dad... So much... You're the best dad ever..."

"Alina can you get the door hun?" Aaron yells from the table, he doesn't take his eyes off the homework he is grading and Alina runs past him.
"Yeah!" She opens the door and screams.
"Mom! Grandma!" Aaron tenses but doesn't move.
"Alina!" Aphmau hugs her daughter happily and Sylvanna smiles.
"Mom! Dad is the best! He's a keeper!" Aphmau giggles and Sylvanna glares at Aaron who's hard at work.
"You're dating the devil?!" Alina looks at her grandma in confusion and Aphmau groans.
"He steals on joke from you when we're in high school and you hate him forever?" Sylvanna sighs in defeat and opens the door.
"Bye grandma!" She exits and Aphmau immedietly runs to Aaron.
"Aph" Aaron stands up and Aphmau gets onto her tippy toes, giving him a quick peck on the lips.
"I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, so much."

*A few years later*

"No I want the car!" Aaron exclaims.
"You gotta be faster if you want it dad." Alina retorts.
"Fiiiiine." Aaron grabs a dog figurine and Aphmau slides her hand into his under the table.
"Ready to start?" The two parents nod and Alina starts the board game.
"So.... When's the wedding?" The two freeze and turn red.
"I don't know what your talking about."
"Wedding whose wedding?"
"Not mine."
"Nope" Alina groans and the two hide their faces.
"It's kinda obvious when mom wears an engagement ring around the house." Alina looks down at her phone and gasps.
"I gotta go! The sleepovers about to start, bye mom bye dad!" Alina grabs her bag and rushes out the door without looking back.
"Finally." Aaron says jokingly.
"Oh come here you." Aphmau presses her lips into his and he happily kisses back.
"You're so beautiful." Aaron leans down and kisses Aphmau's stomach.
"And she'll be beautiful just like her mom." Aph giggles and kisses his lips again.
"Bed time?" Aphmau asks.
"Only if I get to hold you close and never let go."

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