~Aarmau 6~

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(Side note, all of this will be in aphs point of view.)
He came home that night, and I could tell something was off, he normally comes home and kisses me.. I ask about it and he claims it's nothing.. We've been together for 5 years, married for 2, but he doesn't tell me everything.. I let it go, maybe it'll blow over by tomorrow.. We go to bed, same as always, a kiss goodnight and him cuddling me. Aaron seems in a better mood when morning comes around, he's actually talking to me instead of focusing on work all night. We kiss goodbye as he leaves for work.. I start planning his favorite meal as soon as he's gone, anything for him. When he comes home again that night, he's stressed and I can tell. He takes his plate and eats in silence.
"Aaron.. what's wrong.. I love you.. I'm here for you.." I say, pleading to know why he's stressed..
"It's nothing..." He lies. I'm hurt he won't tell me, but I don't show it. I have to remain strong, for both our sakes. He does the dishes without me asking, he knows all I want to do is help, but he will hide it by being a gentlemen more often at home. This goes in for almost a week, until I've had enough.
"Aaron Lycan.. Tell me right now what's going on! I can't stand seeing you stressed like this!!" I confess, looking at him with hope in my eyes.
"Ever since my dad gave me the company... I've been working my tail off to be sure it's successful... Melissa has been on my case all week about it.. and honestly I just want to quit... To give up.." he slams his hands on the counter, and I flinch.
"Aaron, sweety you can't give up.. That's not how you cooperate and you know that.." I say reassuringly.
"I know Aphy... I appreciate all that you've done this week to try and help.. And for dealing with me.."He says.
"Besides, how would you support me and our unborn baby if you quit." I say, sliding him the pregnancy test I took last night. (Which is positive.) His mood changes instantly, and before I know it he's holding me close while we kiss, a happy ending for a happy soon to be mother and father..

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