Chapter 6-Faith and Hope

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What is Faith? one may ask. Faith means to believe in something you have not seen .To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see -Hebrews 11:1.So now what is hope?

Hope is the feeling of wanting something to happen or thinking that it will happen.                  *********************##************************************************Do you know lack of faith is a sin .Check Romans 14:23 now. One thing I know for sure is "Quitters don't win" and "Winners don't quit" .So don't quit else you won't win.                                          How many times did Thomas Edison try to create bulb which produces light? He tried 999 times but he never lost hope and faith despite the failures that came his way .So why you feeling hopeless now .You think you have tried two,three or ten times so you must be hopeless because nothing is working out well. Imagine if Thomas Edison stopped trying because of the failures that came multiple times, will there be any bulb existing and his name wouldn't be known .So my brother, sister, aunty and uncle, am telling you today there is hope for tomorrow if there is no hope today .Don't think is the end .It isn't the end just have faith and hope in yourself and believe it is possible. God has a purpose for your pain!.Do you want to know the purpose he want you it to be your testimony tomorrow which will help and encourage others who will be in your situation or even worse than yours .He has a reward for your faithfulness .So smile and proclaim to yourself "Am winner ,I know I will make it through these struggles and I know my Lord God has planned something beautiful and wonderful for me".        "So I just have to have faith and hope in Him(God) and myself." "Tomorrow will be my day of success this I know because of the faith and hope I have in myself" say this to yourself right now and everyday and I know God will surely help you .God bless you and may you stay blessed .                       Smile and laugh everyday.

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