Reminder for the week

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Be patient with God when things don't go well in life. Don't lament against God! . Just thank him for whatever that happens  in your life . Both good and bad.

When things go wrong and you lament ,ask God to forgive you ,is normal to lament against God ,when things go wrong but later on ask Him to forgive you.

Talk to God ,tell Him how you feel . You must talk to God like how you talk your best friend, brother, sister, father, mother, husband or wife . I don't mean the rude way you mostly  talk to them. I mean the good and nice way  ,you talk to them ,talk to God like that!

Whatever you do, He must be first.

Whatever that you encounter in life, pray to God about it. 

If you want to be a doctor ,pray to Him about it

I mean whatsoever you encounter in life{good or bad] ,pray to God about it . Before you inform anyone about it.
Note : Not everyone wants your success, most want your downfall. So be wise or sage . You may be having Satan as your friend. Who knowsJust be wise and careful because not everyone wants your success. Most of them want your downfall.

Be wise !!!!

Be sage !!!!

Be careful !!!!

Trust God !

Talk to God!

pray to God !!!

Whatever you encounter in life





Try that and am sure  , your life will never be the same again .

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