The Bible says in John 3:16 which reads ,"For God so loves the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in should not perish but have eternal life".This means that if you want to have eternal life (Heaven),you must worship God wholeheartedly. In the first place Why must one worship one ask.
1.One must worship God to not make the coming of Christ be waste.
2.One must worship God because He created us in His own image and likenesses.We must show appreciation by worshiping Him.
3.God said in Exodus
20 not to worship any god but Him.
4.To receive blessings from God
5.One can have an eternal life (Heaven)
6.One worship God to have a closer relationship with HimI hope you are enjoying it.Feel free to ask questions. Please vote and comment. Please feel free to message me. I have a page on Facebook called Young Preachers Of God .Please check it out.If you enjoy it please like my page .Am the page admin. Hahahahaha
Why must One Worship God?
SpiritualeWhy must one worship God? This a question people may ask themselves. Some people don't really understand the real concept of worshiping God. Some think you must worship God at church . After church I can do all the t...