She knew

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Sophia stared as Vincent, the oldest vampire in existence and a forseer, walked slowly in his long black cloak to where Miss Gorlan was standing. "Thank you, Miss Gorlan" he called out clearly. Age had not weakened him. "We are here to discuss the prophecy. The prophecy states the end of the hatred between our races and of a upcoming war. But most importantly, the prophecy shows how to stop it. I shall now read the prophecy. We must determine the two people it concerns afterwards.

War is coming,
between moons and stars
A war to end all wars
And destroy life

Yet it can be ended.
As can the hate that runs deep.
By a vampire with starlit eyes
And a wolf with the moon mark.

These two must love.
Connect souls
And find peace with each other.

Once this has been done,
They will access the greatest weapon
And become moonlight."

Sophia stared in shock. Star was the old term for a vampire. Moon was the old term for werewolf. Everyone knew war was coming. The dark side of the werewolves were preparing. They had hated vampires for centuries. The only thing that had stopped them attacking had been the light werewolves, who wished to protect their own and knew war with the vampires would cause nothing but loss, who had created barriers, as a measure to stop war, that meant unless explicit permission was given, no one could enter a territory that was not their home or the neutral zone. But now they defied them and worked to destroy the barriers. The vampires did not wish to fight but would have to defend themselves. But this prophecy could save everyone. But who was it referring to? Deep down, Sophia knew. She was the only vampire with white flecks in her eyes. She was the only vampire with starlit eyes. She glanced around the room. Every vampire stared at her. All the werewolves stared at someone else... Luna.

Luna knew the minute she heard moon mark. When she was born, a small crescent moon appeared on her neck. It was black. Her parents passed it off as a unusual birth mark. But Luna knew. Her breath caught in her throat. Every single werewolf in the room stared intently at her. They all knew about the moon mark. She felt like she was drowning. She couldn't breath. Her mind went blank. She desperately wanted to flee. But she couldn't. Because she had to fall in love with a vampire. The creatures that killed her mother. She never knew why her mother attacked and killed those vampires, but despite it being self defence, she still hated vampires, the species responsible for the murder of her mother. The only reason she didn't hurt them was because of her position. The future chief could never harm anyone without probable cause. She wanted to know now, right now, who she was destined to be with. But the phrase starlit eyes ran around her head. She hoped desperately that someone else had white flecks in their eyes. She looked at the vampires. Just like all the werewolves, the vampires only stared at one person. Sophia Heartley. Sophia looked how Luna felt. And yet, despite her obvious fear, she still had the appearance of an angel. Her eyes seemed to shine. Her blonde hair looked like snow. Her usually peach skin was pale. And her blood-red lips constantly moved from her ragged breaths. Suddenly, her body went limp and she fainted. Harry ran to catch her. Sophia recovered quickly. As a vampire, she healed anything almost instantly except deadly injuries. Harry, Ria and Alice surrounded her, blocking her from view. Luna felt an arm on her shoulder. She turned to see Finn. He was biting his lip and holding onto Chris, who had tears in his eyes. Martha was sniffling and her father looked at her with the upmost shock. Suddenly, the vampire that read the prophecy called for Sophia and indicated to Luna. The two joined the vampire. "Hello, chieftain's daughter" the vampire smiled. Luna stopped short and then continued to walk when she noticed Sophia's disapproving glare at her. As cold as the vampire had been to her, Luna knew that Sophia wasn't as rude as she acted. Luna decided to show Sophia that she had grace and dignity that could beat a vampire's any day. "My name is Vincent. If you wouldn't mind showing me your moon mark, I need to see it." Luna nodded and pulled the neckline of her dress further down. Vincent stared at it, almost as if hoping it wasn't the moon mark. But like everyone else, Vincent knew. Sophia looked heartbroken as Vincent called out "This is the werewolf the prophecy speaks of." He turned to Sophia. As a lady, she was well known, so her unusual eyes were common knowledge. She nodded and Vincent sighed once again. "And this is the vampire the prophecy speaks of." Luna wanted to scream at the world for forcing her to love another, but she couldn't. She looked over at her future mate...

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