Star studded

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Sophia Heartley tore the forest desperately. She cursed herself. She HAD to go for a walk in the woods. She HAD to be stupid enough to walk into the neutral zone. That wasn't vampire land or werewolf land. And now a freaking werewolf was chasing her.

Luna Woods growled angrily. She chased the vampire in front of her. There was no logic behind it. She was part of the peaceful side of werewolves, yet when she saw the blonde padding through the forest, something had snapped. And now she simply had to catch her. Not only was she tired and hungry, she was actually ATTRACTED to the bloodsucker. In black knee length boots, tights and a short velvet dress with bell sleeves, the vampire moved incredibly fast. Luna pushed her attraction out of her mind and sped up.

For the first time, Sophia glanced back at her pursuer. A sleek black wolf charged after her. Her gold eyes mesmerised Sophia. She snarled as a branch hit her in the face. A drop of blood dropped down. She felt a burst of energy and ran double her speed. Soon, the sound of the werewolf's paws faded. Summoning all her energy, she launched herself on to a high branch. She landed silently. Her athleticism paid off. Sophia smirked with the vampire arrogance of the stereotypes. Then, she poised herself, ready for her attack.

Luna gasped as the evil bat sped up rapidly. She wanted to howl with anger but that would do no good. She tried to catch up with the vampire but to no avail. She slowed down slightly. She could smell the bloodsucker, she just couldn't see her. Then, silently, something heavy fell on her. She growled viciously and clawed at her attacker but the vampire wasn't letting go. Realising the only solution, she quickly closed her eyes and willed the change to happen. She wasted no time in flipping over and straddling the vampire. She stopped short when she saw her face. While most vampires had dull, violet eyes, this one's were vibrant and pulsing. They were speckled with silver, so they looked almost star studded. She had peach coloured skin and rosy cheeks. Her snarling mouth showed off snow white fangs and blood red lips. Her platinum blonde hair was ridiculously long, in a plait. It was probably to her knees. Luna grinned at her victim. "Hey bloodsucker. Never seen one like you before" she murmured and brushed a stray hair out of the vampire's face. She snarled and struggled more but Luna held firm. She had no weapon to kill her. She could turn to her wolf form but, chances were, the vampire would attack her as she transformed. "Calm down, bat" she barked. The vampire glowered at her. "What's your name?" Luna asked, noticing a belt on the vampire's waist with something that looked like a knife sheathed there. It was elegant but deadly and made of a white substance, possibly bone. When the girl didn't respond, Luna grabbed the bone knife from the belt and held it to the bloodsucker's throat. She whimpered slightly, before giving up.

"Sophia Heartley" Sophia muttered, putting as much venom in her voice as possible. She detested this dog and how powerless she was. The girl grinned. "Nice to meet you, Sophia Heartley. I'm Luna Woods" The fleabag grabbed Sophia's hand and shook it. Suddenly, a force stronger than gravity seemed to pull at the two. A crackle of electricity shook Sophia. Both were equally shocked. Sophia recovered first and used the distraction to her advantage. She flipped the werewolf so that she was straddling Luna. Sophia grabbed the knife from Luna's hand. "Luna. What an original name for a werewolf. Tell me, how many other parents had the same genius idea as yours?" Sophia asked cynically. Luna rolled her eyes. Sophia felt a new feeling come over her. Lust. She swallowed it down. "I'm unique, sweetheart" the werewolf winked at Sophia, trying to hide her fear. But Sophia could easily smell it. "Save it, fleabag. Now, because I'm nice, I'll let you run back to your kennel today. But cross me again and I will drain you of every ounce of blood from your pathetic body" Sophia warily got off Luna. Luna rose and sighed softly "Why is it always dogs? And why did you have to be so damn gorgeous?" With that, she transformed into a wolf and sped away, leaving Sophia standing there in shock. She fell to the ground. The chase and her encounter with Luna had tired her. She needed blood. Sophia ran back to the castle furiously. She hadn't killed that vermin. She'd almost been killed herself. Today was not going well. Soon, the castle came into view. Her best friends, Alice, Ria and Harry, saw her approaching and attacked her. "What the actual HELL, Soph?!" Harry yelled. She snarled at him and continued walking. Alice looked pissed, whereas Ria had tears in her eyes. Sophia stopped for a second but continued when Harry yelled. "Where were you?! Ria was crying her eyes out and Alice nearly spontaneously combusted! Why are you fucking bleeding? I swear Sophia, you're going to be the fucking death of me!" Sophia hugged Ria and brushed away her tears. Ria smiled softly, wiped away the blood on Sophia's healed cut and kissed Alice on the cheek before winking at Sophia. Alice immediately softened and hugged Sophia gently. The four of them were like family. Harry was like her brother. Ria and Alice were like her younger sisters. Alice and Ria loved each other and would flirt and hook up but sadly, never actually get together. Sophia turned to Harry last. He was absolutely fuming. She could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. He constantly felt the need to protect her and was constantly tested by her antics. "Technically, I did what I said I was going to do. I went for a walk. I just...had a little interruption" Sophia smiled innocently. Harry raised his eyebrows. "I'm sorry. The thing is, I accidentally  went in the neutral zone"- a gasp from Ria -" and kind of, maybe, encountered a werewolf who pinned me to the ground and nearly killed me." She rushed through the last part. All three of them gasped. She winced. Alice immediately pestered her. "How did you escape? Did it transform? Was it male or female? Was it a dark wolf? Did you KILL it?! Because we know you hate werewolves but we don't approve of your killing of them." Somehow, she said all of that without taking a breath. "Yes, SHE transformed. It was female.  No, I didn't kill her, although I wish I did. As for how I escaped...well, she pinned me down and grabbed my knife. Then, the fleabag shook my hand after finding out my name and something...happened. It's hard to explain. I then flipped her over and...let her go. Look, I'm fine. Just forget it" Sophia finally reached the castle. "Remember to get ready for the ball" Ria called excitedly. Sophia groaned loudly. Not only were they inviting other vampires, who were arrogant and rude, they were inviting werewolves. To her home. She hated the very thought. She walked to her room and sat on her bed. Her mind drifted to the werewolf...

Luna trudged back into camp quietly. She transformed into her human form and shook herself down. "Luna Woods!" She winced as her dad called her name. "Where were you?"
"Stretching my legs. Look, I've got to get ready for that ball thing. Catch you later, Dad." Before he could respond, she ran to her cabin. She looked down at her outfit. Her grey leather jacket was muddy. Her white ripped t-shirt was stained, as were her grey jeans. She sighed. Suddenly, Martha burst into her cabin. The only human in Camp Pine, the lead camp of the peaceful werewolves, Martha was headstrong and impulsive. Martha's mother abandoned her here as a baby just before Luna was born. She knew of her heritage but this didn't stop her from being the best weapon maker in camp. Martha shut the door silently and laid something on Luna's bed. Luna took her clothes off as Martha laid smaller things on the bed. There was no need for words between the two. Luna pulled on the dress laid on the bed. A grey ombré dress that had a one-shoulder strap and a slanted v skirt. A simple locket with a picture of her mother inside. Two silver crescent moon earrings and a small silver hoop on her upper right ear. She brushed her layered jet black hair until it was sleek. Luna sighed angrily. She couldn't get those star studded eyes and their owner out of her head. Suddenly, Chris and Finn burst through the door. Martha quickly jumped out of her silent trance and slapped the two. "Idiots! Ever heard of knocking?! Luna's busy. So get out" Finn walked past her and Chris followed. Martha growled angrily. Luna turned to face her other best friends. Chris Pawson, sweet, nervous and caring, and Finn Oakley, loud, funny and friendly. Chris was clinging on to Finn's hand. Finn sensed his boyfriend's nervousness and squeezed his hand. Luna grinned widely and hugged the the two. This was her family. Hotheaded Martha, loud Finn and gentle Chris. She loved the three equally. "You look hot, Loony" Finn remarked as Chris kissed her on the forehead. Suddenly, a knock sounded. Finn and Luna glanced unhappily at each other, while Martha and Chris looked excited. "Miss Woods, Chris, Finn, Martha. It's time to go" Cladius, one of the camp's elders, called out as he opened the door. Luna groaned as Cladius smiled sympathetically. She walked out of the door. All the elders and her dad, the chief, greeted her. Her dad gave her a stern nod. Chris, Finn and Martha joined her along with a few others who she knew: Raven and Sparrow Brambles, twin brother and sister, Rowan Reed and Ada Windsor. They began walking. Luna sighed angrily. She really didn't want to go into freaking vampire territory, let alone attend a ball with them. But since she was part of the peaceful side of the werewolves, she had to. They were travelling to a ball held by the vampire council, in the home of some young vampires. There, they would discuss the peace prophecy. Soon, her father called out "transform". Everyone took on their wolf forms and pounded off into the forest.

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