Red rose

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Sophia sighed and glanced down at her ball gown. The black and red full length skirt puffed out. She stroked the satin absentmindedly. Then, she stared at the beautiful black silk corset. Her knee length blonde hair fell in curls. She wore a silver ruby necklace and earrings. Ria suddenly burst through the door. She was wearing a short dark purple gown with a puffy skirt and her short chocolate brown hair was straight. Alice followed behind in a emerald coloured tight full length gown with her ginger hair wavy. Ria gasped when she saw Sophia. Alice stared in complete shock. "You look incredible!" Ria squealed. "You both look beautiful. You're going to be the best hosts" Sophia smirked. Ria blushed and smiled. Alice grinned heartily. They walked out of the room in unison. Harry stood at the bottom of their grand staircase. He was wearing a simple black suit and a slight grin. "Hey Soph" he said when she reached him. The two hugged. Then, he announced "The vampire council will be here in two minutes. The musicians are playing and the buffet is ready" "Seperated?" Sophia asked instantly. "Yeah. On opposite sides of the room so you don't have to talk them as well." Sophia grinned. He knew her two well. She seriously didn't want this. But the vampire council insisted. Her castle had been home to many peace balls. She inherited it from her parents when they were murdered by werewolves years ago. It was during a peace ball, actually. When she was 140 in vampire years, her mother and father went for a walk in the woods and encountered a female werewolf. She attacked Sophia's parents, who didn't fight back due to their peace loving nature. When Sophia's mother, Emerald, died suddenly, her father attacked. He killed the wolf but received fatal wounds and died not long after. Harry, being 180 at the time and an orphan, looked after her in the castle she had inherited. Alice was then assigned as protection to Sophia. A year later, Alice found Ria dying and starving in the cold. She brought Ria back to the castle and they healed her. They became a family after that. But she never understood why her parents hadn't defended themselves... And why they were attacked. Suddenly, the castle doors creaked open. In black cloaks, walked the vampire council. Always peaceful and beautiful but arrogant and cold. Miss Gorlan lead the vampire council. She smiled softly at Sophia. She was a good friend of Sophia's pacifist parents and had to extend the courtesy to her, despite Sophia's hatred of werewolves. "Lady Heartley. Harry" Sophia held back a snarl. Harry had no clue who his parents were, and despite her insistence that he should take her last name, Heartley, Gorlan still disrespectfully referred to him by his first name. But Sophia knew she had to be civil. "Miss Isely. And Miss Huntington. How kind of you to allow us to host such a glorious event in your wonderful home. Our company shall be joining us soon" Miss Gorlan nodded and walked into the ballroom. Harry pulled Sophia into a hug. She hated how people treated him. While Ria was an orphan as well, her parents had been well known before their death. They were a count and countess who were murdered, forcing Ria to flee. At least she had a name. The four of them walked into the ballroom. Sophia headed straight to the buffet. She was still hungry. Harry followed. She grabbed a glass of animal blood. Vampires did not drink human blood as it was barbaric. Plus the journey to the human kingdom seriously wasn't worth it. Harry suddenly looked shifty, as if he wanted to tell her something but didn't know how.
"Yes, Harry?"
"I maybe, kind of, told everyone you would sing later" he rushed the last part. Sophia glared at him furiously. "HARRY!" She whisper-shouted "I'm not singing in front of WEREWOLVES!!!" Suddenly, the doors swung open. A pack of people walked in. Hot, not elegant werewolves. A tall man with greying hair and gold eyes walked ahead of everyone else. Miss Gorlan rushed to meet them and indicated that Sophia, Harry, Ria and Alice should follow. "Chief Woods. It's a pleasure to see you again" Miss Gorlan grinned. The chief smiled at her. "This is Harry, Alice Isley, Ria Huntington and Lady Sophia Heartley. The castle is Miss Heartley's. They are delighted to have you here." Miss Gorlan continued but Sophia blocked it out. For she had noticed someone. Someone stunning. With layered black hair falling to her elbows and liquid gold eyes. With tanned skin and an ombré dress. Luna Woods. The chief's daughter. The werewolf.

Luna smelt the soft, sweet, almost sickly smell of vampires as she entered the castle. She stood at her father's side, Finn, Chris and Martha not far behind. A female vampire with grey hair greeted them. "Chief Woods. It's a pleasure to see you again" she grinned. She began introducing the younger vampires beside her. "This is Harry-" she pointed to a brown-haired boy "-Alice Isley-" A fierce-looking ginger "-Ria Huntington-" A energetic brunette "-and Lady Sophia Heartley." Luna stared at this beautiful goddess. With soft blonde hair falling endlessly and star studded violet eyes. With pale skin and a stunning ball gown. Sophia Heartley. The elegant lady. The vampire. She noticed Sophia was staring at her too and looked away. The grey-haired vampire stopped talking and the werewolves joined the ball. A song began to play. Chris dragged Finn onto the dance floor. She noticed two other vampires, she thought their names were Ria and Alice, dancing as well. Werewolves paired off as did vampires. Soon, only four remained. Martha and Luna, and Sophia and Harry. Luna noticed Harry staring at Martha. Pushing her hatred for Sophia aside, she grabbed Martha's pale hand and walked over to the two. "We meet again, blondie. Oh, how I've missed you" Luna grinned "Luna Woods." She shook Harry's hand. "Harry" he said. Luna raised her eyebrow. "Last name?"
Sophia snarled quickly. Harry turned to look at her and whispered something. She took a deep breath and nodded. "Um, I don't really have one. I'm an orphan" Harry said, looking slightly embarrassed. Luna smiled widely. "Martha doesn't have one either!" She pushed Martha forward. Martha glared at her and turned as red as her hair. "Hello. I'm Martha. I was abandoned at camp Pine when I was a baby. But they took me in. And if you think for one second that I'm weak because I'm human, prepare to lose your head." Harry laughed. "Same story for me" he said "except I'm not human. Do you, um, want to dance?" Martha grabbed Harry and dragged him into the sea of dancers. "Looks like it's just you and me!" Luna edged closer to Sophia. She groaned heavily. "Do you have a stake handy?" Sophia asked sarcastically. Luna fake laughed. "Seriously though. Did you miss me? Because I missed you" Luna winked. Sophia rolled her eyes disgustedly and walked to the banquet table. Luna raced after her.

Sophia sighed. The werewolf probably hated her and thought she was a bitch. Usually, she'd want that but with Luna it was... Different. She knew she couldn't keep talking to Luna. Yet she wasn't stopping. "Look, it's just you and me. So let's dance, m'lady" Luna smiled and offered her hand. Sophia rolled her eyes yet again and accepted. Soon, they were dancing, talking and laughing. Sophia hated herself but she didn't hate Luna. Later, Harry dragged her to the musicians to sing. She was terrified but she knew she had to. There was no way to say no to the vampire council. Sophia sighed and began to sing.

"Dancing bears, painted wings.
Things I almost remember,
And a song, someone sings.
Once upon a December.

Someone holds me safe and warm.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figures dancing gracefully,
Across my memory.

Someone holds me safe and warm.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figures dancing gracefully,
Across my memory.

Far away, long ago.
Glowing dim as an ember.
Things my heart used to know,
Things it yearns to remember.

And a song,
Someone sings.
Once upon a December."

Luna stared patiently as Sophia prepared to sing. When her voice rang out, crystal clear and soft and sweet, Luna's heart stopped. Tears formed in her eyes as the song ended. Everyone looked shell shocked. Sophia blushed and ran to her friends. Eventually, the head of the vampire council recovered and walked to the musicians. "Thank you Sophia, for that stunning song. Now, we must talk about what we came here to discuss. The prophecy."

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