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Luna. Sophia tried yet again to reach the werewolf in her mind. She was met with silence. Vincent had mentioned a telepathic connection between soulmates after the destruction of the vampire council. Sophia had barely payed attention then but now it everything. Despite the fact that it didn't seem to work, it was her only hope. And she clung on to it desperately. Luna, please, hear me. Her headache worsened and no response came. Suddenly, nostalgia overwhelmed her. She remembered meeting Luna for the first time. The cockiness and flirtatious nature she had displayed. How much Sophia hated her. And the sudden shift when they shook hands. Then, when they found out that they had to fall in love. Luna vibrated anger, while Sophia felt overwhelmingly calm. The way that Luna had tried to play her emotions off with flirtation. How irritating and stupid, yet fascinating and beautiful, she was. Then, the first attack. How Luna had fought claw and tooth to save her. How brave Luna'd been. The way they'd cuddled afterwards and the comfort it brought. The day they'd spent together. It had been one of the best of her life. Suddenly, Sophia realised she was crying. She grinned through the tears as the memories flooded her. It was as if she was reliving the days she had with Luna. Some memories made her laugh, others made her sob harder. Luna made her feel so many different emotions. All at the same time. After her parents' death, she vowed to not show people her feelings. She did with Harry, Ria and Alice. But they were family. Luna taught Sophia how to feel again. But now...Realisation hit Sophia. To save her kind, she had to die. If she killed herself just before the werewolves got her friends, that would provide a distraction. They could escape. Malcolm wouldn't be able to cross the border. Her kind would be saved. Maybe even some werewolves. But how would she die? Vampires were practically immortal, unless you stabbed them in the heart. Then, she remembered the swords in Camp Pine. All she had to do was escape from the dark wolves long enough to get her hands on a sword. It wasn't a foolproof plan but she was desperate. She needed Luna to survive. And for that to happen; she needed to die. Just then, she felt calm and accepting. But she did want to see Luna one last time. She turned around, hoping to get more comfortable and was greeted with the most shocking sight. "Luna?!"

Luna took a deep breath. Beside her, were Claudius, Luke, Ada, Martha, Harry, Alice and Ria. Their plan was simple. Each wolf would transform and carry one of the others. They would race to the border and, once there, Harry would give them permission to cross. Then, they would find the vampire council's castle and plead for help. Simple. Minus the fact that they had to pass through the neutral zone without being attacked. And this time, they weren't in disguise. But they had to do this. For Sophia. "Transform" she yelled and allowed the change to happen. Immediately, Martha climbed on her furry back. She glanced at the others. The grey wolf she knew to be Claudius held Harry. Alice was balanced on the back of the chocolate brown wolf that was Luke. And Ria clung on to the blue-black fur of Ada. "Ready?" She called out, sensing everyone's fear. But they knew this needed to be done. And their grief would turn to anger and fuel them. A few nods came. Heaving a shaky breath, she called out "Go!". And they ran. The only thought in her mind was to keep running. She could vaguely hear Martha murmuring encouragement but the wind whistling past her ears blocked almost all sound out. When they where about halfway through the neutral zone, Luna heard the snarls she had been expecting from the start. She turned her head momentarily, to see at least eight massive wolves chasing them. She cursed under breath upon noticing how close her pursuers were getting. Pushing harder, she increased her speed , ignoring the burning sensation in her legs. The dark wolves behind her pounded furiously, determined to catch the group. She yelled encouragement to her fellow pack-members and focused on the ground underneath her. Luna could feel herself losing energy and knew her legs would give out before they made it to the border. Martha clung tighter to her, fearing the bloodthirsty wolves that chased them. The border came into view. But Luna knew they wouldn't make it. Just as she felt her legs give out, an image of Sophia filled her mind. Beautiful, clear skin. Lush, red lips. Perfect, heart-shaped face. Incredible, flowing, platinum-blonde hair. And those eyes... the eyes that Luna could get lost in. The eyes that brought them together. And Luna intended to keep them together. Focusing only on her beautiful vampire, Luna ran. One final push that would save her and Martha. She saw Claudius race ahead and yelled "Harry, NOW!" Harry gave a quick nod and turned to the border. A quick flash appeared before her eyes and she ran across. Ada and Luke dashed across and Luna took a deep breath. They were safe. The wolves began yelling abuse at them but Luna payed no attention. She transformed back into her human form and coughed frantically. Martha rubbed soothing circles in Luna's back as she tried not to vomit. She blinked the tears of pain out of eyes and stood. "I'm fine" she insisted. She saw the others sprawled out across the floor, except Alice and Ria, who were stood and clinging on to each other. Hang in there, Sophia she thought.

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